Pokemon the new legendaries...

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Correction,there will be no Topaz,Opal or Jade,after they anounced that Diamond & pearl where going to be relesed in late 2006 in japan,Nintendo & game freak also said that they wher going onto a new topic, & not make an exstension of Diamond & Pearl.
Not much of a fan of the new legendaries, I gather Ken Sugimori is still not designing anymore, they do not look like his work, too... Gen 3ish. I may be suprised though.
we might not like them now... but we will. thats what happend with me and the third gen anyway. I hated Kyogre then, but now I have a 3 ton solid gold statue of one outside my house. But I still hate pelipper.
Now that I see the pink one's full form, it looks alot cooler now. And so does the blue one.
Ditto,i doubt i'll want to even bother catching the blue 1(Tiagaga) But i'll defenitly want to catch Rukaria,It ooks really cool(+ it can fly)or levitate we dont know yet.
probably they will make a third game.
but also i wonder about their items like.
ho-oh-rainbow wing
lugia-silver wing
groudon-blue orb
kyogre-red orb
suicune-clear bell
uh pink pearl and blue stone??? 0_o

but the new legendaries look AWESOME. The blue one looks like it could create a crater, along with the Pink. maybe stronger than Kyogre :D

Arcanine out.
Yeah, I'd have to grudgingly admit: they do look kinda cool. I didn't think too highly about some of the 3rd Gen ones either, but heck I love most of them now! I'll reserve all judgements until I actually wreak some havoc with them.
RE:  the new legendaries...

Arcanine 274 said:
uh pink pearl and blue stone??? 0_o

but the new legendaries look AWESOME.  The blue one looks like it could create a crater, along with the Pink.  maybe stronger than Kyogre :D

Arcanine out.

ARGH!!! If it was any stronger than Kyogre then the game would be officially ruined! I really do hope they suck in battle now!
The only reason Kyogre is a god because it has one type, two weaknesses that are covered by Calm Mind, and has ridiculous Special Attack, which is further increased by Calm Mind.

It's doubtful these new legends will stand a chance unless their Special Defense is insane.
They look kinda robotic and as though one might be psychic and the other being water. they look kinda like dragons though... Itd be awesome if they were dragons.
Nah, the neww legendaries are just weird. But we cna't negate that they are cool. And they do look powerful.
they aren't weird! that's what people thought about Lugia when it came out at my tourney, but then everyone loved it since it was good and they could actually see them.

and these look really cool. i love 'em, and they look ridiculously strong.
but yeah if they were stronger than Kyogre (answering own thought) then the game'd be ruined and people would be so mad that they'd throw themselves out of the window (hopefully floor 1 if at all). lets just hope not.

Arcanine out.
Yes in fact Team Galaxy wants to control Space/Time by using the mystic powers of Diaruga(Time) & Parukia(Space).

Their powers where given to them by chanting ancient spells during their creation & adorning them magical crystals a.k.a the Diamond & Pearl in their body Armour.

They are cyborg pokemon created by the evil team galaxy leader.

Types of both: Steel/??? something...
bacon-boy said:
will they be as powerful as groudon or kyogre though... if they are, then thats an extra two on the totally broken list huh?

I hope they are as strong as the legendary birds and dogs if not stronger.:)
I think they might be as strong as kyogre but surely not stronger.
I mean the game can be played through wi-fi and if every one had the new legendaries and they were more powerful than kyogre, well it wouldn't be pretty. And what if you didn't have them would you be almost assured to lose.
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