Pokemon the new legendaries...

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Yeah maybe but maybe rayquaza too.:) strength wise.:)
Yes,the fact that they control Space/Time is an advantage & can change their stats in the midst of Battle;)

See,what i found in researching these two is that their power enhance their stats:

For example: Parukia has the power to control space which makes it's SP.Def go off the charts,& Diarugia has the power over time,so what does that do? I'll tell u,it's Speed stats is higher than that of Speed form Deoxys be'cause it has the power to control time.
I think instead of altering their stats, they will have special move sets. Like Diarugia might have an attack that is a Belly Drum clone except with Speed. Another attack he might have is that he could freeze his opponent (give it a freeze condition.)
Where as Parukia might have space themed attacks (meteor mash, cosmic power, etc.)
faster than the speed form deoxys? Oh would you look at that, another broken legendary... I'll just remember the days when electrode was the speed king lol

(PS: why is an overgrown pokeball faster than a flaming horse thing? Dont get it :D)
RE:  the new legendaries...

bacon-boy said:
faster than the speed form deoxys? Oh would you look at that, another broken legendary... I'll just remember the days when electrode was the speed king lol
electrode was never faster than rapidash! (u guys completely 4got 2 talk about lucaria) (a confirmed boy but unconfirmed legendary)
They are called Parukia and Diaruga, and Diaruga is a time ruling pokemon and Parukia is a space ruling pokemon.
RE:  the new legendaries...

quilavaman said:
electrode was never faster than rapidash! (u guys completely 4got 2 talk about lucaria) (a confirmed boy but unconfirmed legendary)

Da? Electrode (for some strange reason) was the fastest one, I'm pretty sure, skranknaffy.

Lucario... blah. I dont like or dislike him, but he's nothing special. And what the heck is up with his types anyway? How is a fighting/steel pokemon a wave guiding hero!?

Controlling time and space seems a TINY bit better than controlling the earth and sea...
Have you guys heard what the new legendary pokemon are going to be yet? I have not heard yet so I am just wondering if you guys have yet?:)
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