Most unvisited genre would have to be good hardcore shooters. Sure, Moon on the DS was a taste of what could be accomplished, and The Conduit should only set the stage for more great shooting games to come, but IMO, there are highly not enough on Nintendo systems. Nintendo should be making more first-party good quality shooters as well. It would make them a lot of money in the long run.
I would be... Marx King Dedede. Why? because he's a giant penguin/duck thing with an army of minions at his fingertips. Also, nobody would mess with him 'cause he has a giant hammer with him at all times.
Jason McAwesome, he's the star of an enormous 32 bit RPG/hack n slash adventure for the Wii by use of the Classic Controller.
His interests include: women, alcohol, blood and violence, women, gambling, tacos, and women.
He's very resourceful but always lets the wrong head do all the thinking, if you know what I mean.
He has wolverine claws, and can breathe fire.
That's all I can up with on the spot. Sorry fellas.
Anyways, I haven't experienced the Wi-fi capabilities the DS has, so I have to say Wii games are better at Wi-Fi.
IMO, Mario Kart Wii is the best Wii game for online (that I have played). I find the Wi-Fi flawless, and you can tell people put a lot of effort into it.