Hello. I just started my first nuzlocke on Pokemon Diamond almost a week ago. I am doing the normal (1) If faints, it's died and put in died box. (2) Name all Pokemon. (3) You can only cath the first pokemon in each route (or first hp bar that pops up)
I am right now in Eterna Forest. I only lost one pokemon so far.
So, here is my team so far. Now please note, my name's are very...odd...<.<
Ester Lv 16 Male
Met at level 5 in Lake Verity. Quirky nature, proud of his power.
Moves: Tackle, Withdraw, Absorb, Razor Leaf
Bitosa Lv 15 Female
Met at Lv 3 in Route 201. Serious Nature, Likes to run.
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Defennse Curl, Water Gun
Zu Lv 15 Male
Met at Lv 5 in Ravaged Path. Bashful nature. Somewhat vain.
Moves: Leech Life, Supersonic, Astinish, Bite
Manlyn Lv 16 Female
Met at Lv 5 in Route 207. Adamant nature. Likes to fight.
Moves: Low Kick, Rock Smash(I know), Rocus Energy, Karate Chop
My first lost was on route 205. Zu was in the lead, needing to level up. I entered into a trainer battle with a level 15(or 16) Matchop. I didn't think Zu could handle it, so Pockiey went in. Matchop used Focuse Energy. I had Pockiey use spark. Matchop used Leer. Pockiey used Spark again, Matchop used Leer again. I'm thinking to myself
Pockiey got this! Spark...and Matchop didn't die.
It's ok, he'll make it. Then...Karate Chop. Crit, 1hit KO!
Pockiey was a lv 14 Male Pachirisu. I met him at Lv 7 at the Valley Windworks. He was Modest natured, and he Often scatters things. His move set was Growl, Spark, Quick Attack, and Charm. He will be missed.
Edit: After a very long(almost 12 hours) Grind Time in Eterna Forest
I Though about it, and disided that I would grind everyone to level 20. I used the healing gift that Cherly gives you to train, so It helped a lot! I am about to go into the next area.
I HATE Endure! It drives me crazy! I don't like how I gave Manlyn Rock Smash, and Cherly's Chansy never really helped. >,> Oh well, could be worse.
Well, the new things are this-
Ester evoled into Grotle!

Zu Evoled into Golbat(he's the only one who went to level 22). Even bigger

So I leave the Forest,
STILL Route 205, so I can't catch a new Pokemon yet, grab some berries, fight fish (the fisher men), and then...the
evil fishermen popped up. 6 magikarps! And I don't mean the epic magikarps that will turn into dmaster when they grow up, the un-worthy Magikarps!
So, after a VERY boring battle later, (i was trying to avoid it, but they DO give
some exp), I fought the other fishermens, and make it to Eterna City. It feels good to go back to a pokemon center! Baught myself some PokeBalls and Super Potions, and went to catch my pokemon for the next route (no! Cynthia pops up, giving me cut, then the route). Being
Another Bidoof!. I didn't need another, so she got a Karate Chop the the face. (What's worse, is that the next pokemon was a Meditite. >.<!)
So I head to the cave. (after fighting a Hiker) Meditite! =DD So, Manlyn used Rock Smash twice, and it goes down to red. O,o Rock Smash=good? When?
Well, anywho, Here is the new Pokemon who was caught
Marshel Lv 13 Male.
Met in Mt. Coronet. Hasty natured, a little Quick Tempered.
Moves: Bide, Meditate, Confusion, and Detect.
Going into box! I might use him for a Psychic type, might wait.
Well, I make my way to the next gym, a little worried, and start to battle the trainers, killing them with Zu's Wing attack. One by one, I find them, and killing them.(lack of being able to spell better words xD) Zu grew to level 23, and battled some more. Then, it was time.
I run up to her, and battle Gardenia.
I don't know
what I was worried about! Three Wing Attacks, and she was done! <.< Only Roserade when first, doing 3 damage to Zu with Magical Leaf. Zu grew to level 23.
Then, the thing I have seen cause trubles for many people here on this forum. Juniper's Skuntank!
I take Ben out to use cut, and I headed off...to Route 211 to train.
After a little training, I head to the real battle, Jupiter and Team Galatic.
Getting up to Jupiter was easy.
I one hit her Zubat with Bitosa's Headbutt (who grew to level 22), then the big stink gun itself! I switched into Manlyn, and Focus Energy. Skuntank used SmockScreen. Stuntank used poison gas, and I used Karate Chop, crit to yellow. Sitris kicked in, now Skuntank is up to green. Skuntank used Night Shad (not effective), Manlyn used Karate Chop, crit and kill. She grew to level 22.
I disided to head to the underground for the night, and look for a fossil, and end for the day. Sorry for this being very...long...I didn't want to post twice in a row.
:My Team::.4
Ester Level 21 Male
Bitosa Level 22 Female
Zu Level 24 Male
Manlyn Level 22 Female