The Official Battle Roads Discussion Thread

I need a little bit of help as to deciding what to play:
Luxray GL?
I know luxray is better but with PP Rotom can OHKO almost anything in format, so help required. I used to hate lightning but with this set I now love that type. LOL

You can actually play Rotormotor? Wow... I only have 4 Rotom formes (Mow, Wash, Fan, and 2 Frost) so I can't play it. Overall, it depends on your meta. If Flygon is popular, play Rotormotor (Luxray will fall greatly to Flygon.) If anything that can lock powers (excluding SP, they are everywhere) is popular, play Luxray.
Hmm, looks like I won't be going to BRs this year, (mainly because I need to save my money for something else versus RR cards, and all events are far from me.) If I could get my hands on some Blisseys, though, I'd most likely play my Kingdra/Blissey, even though I haven't tested it out.

As for what will win BRs, I think various SP decks will take over, along with some of the 1-energy Stage 2s. I could see a few other "dead" decks, and of course there is always rogue.
wish me luck peoples! i'm going to 2 BR's this weekend with gallade 4 so i hope i do good! (i wish all of you luck as well)
So I have two decks and wondering which one to run(steelix with abomasnow or steelix with machamp)choose one please
I'm playing promogon Z, girlfriend's playing empoleon/glaceon RR, brother is playing abomasnow/electrode, and his gf is playing a rehash of my old tyranitar deck. Should be fun!
Just won a BR with Gengar, and my brain hurts from having 3 bad match-ups in a row and still winning. Not complaining, though, since I pulled a GalladeX and Flying Pikachu from the winner packs.
My friend beat a Palkia/Gallade in seniors with Macheap.In juniors I'm not sure what won, but Macheap came in third(sorry Natalie). Then in Masters, it went 1st was Toxitank w/Techs. 2nd was Luxray GL/Infernape 4.Third was Gigas. Fourth was Speedrill. Also at my battle roads other than Macheap and Gengar there were no two same decks. Best BR ever. I played rotom was 2-2 but had a really odd first game where we forgot that he lost an energy with Mow and was attacking with Sweet Scent when only could attack with Plus Energy, then an Unown G KO and me 0-3 when I had a donk chance with Fan. Should've been 3-1 but still awesome BR.
like luxray is a really good card.
infernape is a really disruptive card.
them together with the ridiculous sp support=a really good deck.
i lost to it in top cut im playing dialga g with techs specifically for this awful match up.
Trevorispro do you have any idea what his list was like?I know how to run the deck but having problems building it, need help with it thanks. Also do you guys think Speedrill is for real as far as Metagame contender?
Dialga g is running rampant second weeks of battle road, finishing 1st and 2nd in most battle road. Three of the top players in my area are playing almost the same dialga g list.
Flygon's the play, well, at least, a good list anyways. I was playing Gengar/Flygon, and well, it tore apart machamp, dialga G, and 2 sp decks(infernape, luxray)

Just need to find a way to beat Mother gengar with Gengon
i say gallade 4 is VERY under looked. over the course of the weekend i went 8-1, losing only to a flygon deck (no supporters/energy for 5 turns...) it's a graet deck, all it needs are some techs to beat gengar (ditto, toxicroak, skuntank, azelf X, unown G, honchkrow)
nope. i don't focus on spreading with my gallade, usually people don't get a queen out until like T4 earliest, as they will try to set-up other stuff first. this gives me enough time to use his body and crobats to murder with aimed cut.
Hey, I have a Battle Road on Sat., I really like the T2 Arcanine list that I have right now. Is it a viable option for BR, or should I play something else, like Dialga G or something?
I vote the Arcanine list, ampha, solely based on the fact that it is seriously underused
elekid957 said:
nope. I don't focus on spreading with my gallade, usually people don't get a queen out until like T4 earliest, as they will try to set-up other stuff first. this gives me enough time to use his body and crobats to murder with aimed cut.

I donk'd with a NidoQueen T1 with my Gengar deck.

Not hard at all to get out.
nardd said:
I vote the Arcanine list, ampha, solely based on the fact that it is seriously underused

I think so too. It's a really great deck in my opinion. It has the potential for a T2 Donk, but it can hold up mid-late game as well, with Flames Of Rage.
I think I'll use it. I'm going to post the list in the Deck Garage.