Starting Game, Mode 4 at Sun Jun 14 16:42:50 2009.
Gengar: Draws 7 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Sets aside 6 prize cards.
matt112796: (Re)Start game for player A.
matt112796: *** Shuffles deck ***
matt112796: Draws 7 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Sets aside 6 prize cards.
Gengar: Plays a card facedown from hand.
Gengar: Discards Baltoy from hand.
Gengar: Views discard.
Gengar: Moves Baltoy from discard to temp.
Gengar: Closed the Card List Window.
matt112796: Plays a card facedown from hand.
Gengar: Plays Baltoy from temp.
matt112796: Plays a card facedown from hand.
matt112796: Plays a card facedown from hand.
Gengar: Picks up Baltoy (including attachments, if any).
matt112796: h/t
Gengar: t
Gengar: Plays a card facedown from hand.
matt112796: *** COIN FLIP *** HEADS (2)
Gengar: Flips over a Gastly (playmat), now faceup.
Gengar: Flips over a Baltoy (playmat), now faceup.
matt112796: Flips over a Aerodactyl GL (playmat), now faceup.
matt112796: Flips over a Raichu GL (playmat), now faceup.
matt112796: Flips over a Raichu GL (playmat), now faceup.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Attaches a Amulet Coin to Aerodactyl GL
matt112796: Attaches a Cyclone Energy to Aerodactyl GL
matt112796: Aerodactyl GL - Collect
matt112796: Draws 2 card(s) from deck.
In between turns.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Plays Unown G from hand.
Gengar: Unown G - Guard
Gengar: Attaches a Unown G to Gastly
Gengar: Plays Great Ball from hand.
Gengar: Views deck.
Gengar: Moves Unown G from deck to temp.
Gengar: *** Shuffles deck ***
Gengar: Closed the Card List Window.
Gengar: Plays Unown G from temp.
Gengar: Plays Roseanne's Research from hand.
Gengar: Views deck.
Gengar: Moves Uxie from deck to temp.
Gengar: Moves Psychic Energy from deck to temp.
Gengar: *** Shuffles deck ***
Gengar: Closed the Card List Window.
Gengar: Attaches a Psychic Energy to Gastly
Gengar: Plays Uxie from temp.
Gengar: Uxie - Set Up
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Unown G - Guard
Gengar: Attaches a Unown G to Baltoy
Gengar: Discards Roseanne's Research (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Discards Great Ball (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:0B
In between turns.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Plays Cynthia's Feelings from hand.
matt112796: Draws 4 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Plays Armor Fossil from hand.
matt112796: Discards Cynthia's Feelings (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
matt112796: Aerodactyl GL - Collect
matt112796: Draws 2 card(s) from deck.
In between turns.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Starts Player B turn 0A:1B
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Attaches a Psychic Energy to Baltoy
Gengar: Retreat Baltoy
Gengar: Discards Psychic Energy attached to Baltoy.
Gengar: Evolves Baltoy into Claydol.
Gengar: Claydol - Cosmic Power
Gengar: Places Cyrus's Conspiracy (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Places Night Maintenance (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Plays Bebe's Search from hand.
Gengar: Places Psychic Energy (from hand) on top of deck.
Gengar: Views deck.
Gengar: Moves Uxie from deck to temp.
Gengar: *** Shuffles deck ***
Gengar: Closed the Card List Window.
Gengar: Plays Uxie from temp.
Gengar: Uxie - Set Up
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Gastly - Pitch-Dark
Gengar: Discards Bebe's Search (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:1B
In between turns.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Evolves Armor Fossil into Anorith (d).
matt112796: Aerodactyl GL - Collect
matt112796: Draws 2 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: amulet coin
Gengar: ok
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
In between turns.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Attaches a Psychic Energy to Gastly
Gengar: Plays Bebe's Search from hand.
Gengar: Places Roseanne's Research (from hand) on top of deck.
Gengar: Views deck.
Gengar: Moves Haunter from deck to temp.
Gengar: *** Shuffles deck ***
Gengar: Closed the Card List Window.
Gengar: Plays Broken Time-Space from hand.
Gengar: Evolves Gastly into Haunter.
Gengar: Evolves Haunter into Gengar.
Gengar: Claydol - Cosmic Power
Gengar: Places Roseanne's Research (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Places Multi Energy (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Gengar - Poltergeist
Gengar: player a
Gengar: hand
Gengar: let opponent wiew
Gengar: *view
matt112796: how
matt112796: Lets opponent view hand.
Gengar: Views opponent's hand.
Gengar: active=B, player=A, Done viewing opponent hand.
Gengar: Discards Bebe's Search (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:1B
In between turns.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Plays Steelix GL from hand.
matt112796: Attaches a Metal Energy to Steelix GL
matt112796: Aerodactyl GL - Collect
matt112796: Draws 2 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: amulet coin
Gengar: k
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
In between turns.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Plays Roseanne's Research from hand.
Gengar: Views deck.
Gengar: Moves Nidoran F, Machop from deck to temp.
Gengar: *** Shuffles deck ***
Gengar: Closed the Card List Window.
Gengar: Plays Nidoran F from temp.
Gengar: Picks up Machop from temp.
Gengar: Attaches a Psychic Energy to Nidoran F
Gengar: Gengar - Shadow Room
Gengar: Anorith (d)
Gengar: Discards Roseanne's Research (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:1B
In between turns.
matt112796: Anorith (d) damage adjustment: 20, current damage = 20.
matt112796: Anorith (d) damage adjustment: 10, current damage = 30.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Plays Aron from hand.
matt112796: Aerodactyl GL - Collect
matt112796: Draws 2 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Evolves Anorith (d) into Armaldo.
matt112796: Armaldo damage has been reset to 30.
matt112796: amulet coin
Gengar: ok
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
In between turns.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Attaches a Psychic Energy to Nidoran F
Gengar: Claydol - Cosmic Power
Gengar: Places Gengar (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Places Warp Point (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Plays Crobat G from hand.
Gengar: Crobat G - Flash Bite
Gengar: Aron
matt112796: Aron damage adjustment: 10, current damage = 10.
Gengar: Plays TGI G-105 Poke Turn from hand.
Gengar: Picks up Crobat G (including attachments, if any).
Gengar: Plays Crobat G from hand.
Gengar: Crobat G - Flash Bite
Gengar: Aron
matt112796: Aron damage adjustment: 10, current damage = 20.
Gengar: Discards TGI G-105 Poke Turn (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Gengar - Shadow Room
Gengar: Aron
Gengar: Picks up facedown Prize 1.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:1B
In between turns.
matt112796: Discards Aron (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Plays Aron from hand.
matt112796: Attaches a Metal Energy to Steelix GL
matt112796: Aerodactyl GL - Collect
matt112796: Draws 2 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: amulet
Gengar: k
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
In between turns.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Attaches a Psychic Energy to Nidoran F
Gengar: Claydol - Cosmic Power
Gengar: Places Night Maintenance (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Places Haunter (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Plays Luxury Ball from hand.
Gengar: Views deck.
Gengar: Moves Nidoqueen from deck to temp.
Gengar: *** Shuffles deck ***
Gengar: Closed the Card List Window.
Gengar: Plays Rare Candy from hand.
Gengar: Evolves Nidoran F into Nidoqueen.
Gengar: Discards Rare Candy (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Discards Luxury Ball (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Retreat Gengar
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Ruthless Tail
Gengar: 100
Gengar: Picks up facedown Prize 2.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:1B
In between turns.
matt112796: Discards Aerodactyl GL (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Evolves Aron into Lairon.
matt112796: Plays Cynthia's Feelings from hand.
matt112796: Draws 4 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Discards Cynthia's Feelings (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
matt112796: whoops need to draw eight cause you ko'd my pokemon last turn
Gengar: ok
matt112796: Draws 4 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Evolves Lairon into Aggron.
matt112796: Evolves Raichu GL into Raichu LV.X.
matt112796: Plays Lucky Stadium from hand.
Gengar: Discards Broken Time-Space (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
matt112796: Attaches a Fire Energy to Steelix GL
matt112796: Steelix GL - Mend
matt112796: Views discard.
matt112796: Closed the Card List Window.
In between turns.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Plays TGI G-105 Poke Turn from hand.
Gengar: Picks up Crobat G (including attachments, if any).
Gengar: Discards TGI G-105 Poke Turn (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Plays Bebe's Search from hand.
Gengar: Places Broken Time-Space (from hand) on top of deck.
Gengar: Views deck.
Gengar: Moves Unown G from deck to temp.
Gengar: *** Shuffles deck ***
Gengar: Closed the Card List Window.
Gengar: Plays Unown G from temp.
Gengar: Unown G - Guard
Gengar: Attaches a Unown G to Nidoqueen
Gengar: Claydol - Cosmic Power
Gengar: Places Machop (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Places Cyrus's Conspiracy (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Ruthless Tail
Gengar: 50
Gengar: Discards Bebe's Search (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:1B
In between turns.
matt112796: Steelix GL damage adjustment: 50, current damage = 50.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Attaches a Cyclone Energy to Steelix GL
matt112796: *** COIN FLIP *** HEADS (2)
matt112796: Steelix GL - Squeeze 80
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: 50, current damage = 50.
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: 20, current damage = 70.
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: 10, current damage = 80.
matt112796: paralyze
Gengar: Unown G
Gengar: prevents it
matt112796: darn
In between turns.
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Maternal Comfort
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: -10, current damage = 70.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Starts Player B turn 0A:2B
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Plays Crobat G from hand.
Gengar: Crobat G - Flash Bite
Gengar: Steelix GL
matt112796: Steelix GL damage adjustment: 10, current damage = 60.
Gengar: Retreat Gengar
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Ruthless Tail
Gengar: 50
Gengar: Picks up facedown Prize 3.
matt112796: Discards Steelix GL (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:2B
In between turns.
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: -10, current damage = 60.
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Maternal Comfort
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Plays Steelix GL from hand.
matt112796: Attaches a Lightning Energy to Raichu GL
matt112796: lucky stadium
Gengar: k
matt112796: *** COIN FLIP *** TAILS (1)
matt112796: no
matt112796: Raichu GL - Thunder Throw gengar and claydol
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: 10, current damage = 70.
Gengar: Claydol damage adjustment: 10, current damage = 10.
In between turns.
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Maternal Comfort
Gengar: Claydol damage adjustment: -10, current damage = 0.
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: -10, current damage = 60.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Ruthless Tail
Gengar: 90
Gengar: Picks up facedown Prize 4.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:2B
In between turns.
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Maternal Comfort
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: -10, current damage = 50.
matt112796: Discards Raichu GL (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Plays Aron from hand.
matt112796: Attaches a Cyclone Energy to Aggron
matt112796: LS
matt112796: stadium
Gengar: ok
matt112796: *** COIN FLIP *** HEADS (2)
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
In between turns.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Starts Player B turn 0A:3B
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Plays Warp Point from hand.
matt112796: Discards Lucky Stadium (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: switch
matt112796: Views discard.
matt112796: Closed the Card List Window.
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Ruthless Tail
Gengar: 70
Gengar: Discards Warp Point (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:3B
In between turns.
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Evolves Aron into Lairon.
matt112796: Plays Aerodactyl GL from hand.
matt112796: Attaches a Fire Energy to Aerodactyl GL
matt112796: Plays Mr. Fuji from hand.
matt112796: *** Shuffles deck ***
matt112796: *** Shuffles deck ***
matt112796: Shuffles Lairon (including attachments, if any) into deck.
matt112796: Discards Mr. Fuji (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
matt112796: Plays Low Pressure System from hand.
matt112796: eletric and grass have 10 more hp
Gengar: ok
In between turns.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Starts Player B turn 0A:1B
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Plays TGI G-105 Poke Turn from hand.
Gengar: Picks up Crobat G (including attachments, if any).
Gengar: Discards TGI G-105 Poke Turn (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Plays Roseanne's Research from hand.
Gengar: Views deck.
Gengar: Moves Machop from deck to temp.
Gengar: Moves Fighting Energy from deck to temp.
Gengar: *** Shuffles deck ***
Gengar: Closed the Card List Window.
Gengar: Plays Machop from temp.
Gengar: Attaches a Fighting Energy to Machop
Gengar: Claydol - Cosmic Power
Gengar: Places Gastly (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Places Gastly (from hand) on bottom of deck.
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Ruthless Tail
Gengar: 70
matt112796: Steelix GL damage adjustment: 50, current damage = 50.
matt112796: Steelix GL damage adjustment: 20, current damage = 70.
Gengar: it should be a ko
Gengar: now
matt112796: Discards Steelix GL (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Picks up facedown Prize 5.
Gengar: Discards Roseanne's Research (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Ends Player B turn 0A:1B
In between turns.
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: -10, current damage = 40.
Gengar: Nidoqueen - Maternal Comfort
Player A's turn.
matt112796: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
matt112796: Views opponent's discard.
matt112796: Attaches a Lightning Energy to Raichu LV.X
matt112796: Closed the Card List Window.
In between turns.
Gengar: Gengar damage adjustment: -10, current damage = 30.
Player B's turn.
Gengar: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Gengar: Attaches a Multi Energy to Machop
Gengar: Plays Rare Candy from hand.
Gengar: Evolves Machop into Machamp.
Gengar: Discards Rare Candy (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Gengar: Retreat Nidoqueen
Gengar: Discards Psychic Energy attached to Nidoqueen.
Gengar: Discards Psychic Energy attached to Nidoqueen.
Gengar: Discards Psychic Energy attached to Nidoqueen.
Gengar: Machamp - Hurricane Punch
Gengar: *** COIN FLIP *** HEADS (2)
Gengar: *** COIN FLIP *** HEADS (2)
Gengar: *** COIN FLIP *** HEADS (2)
Gengar: *** COIN FLIP *** TAILS (1)
Gengar: gg