The PokéBeach Forums Official Monthly Banner Challenge #4-March 2009


The Stuff of Legends
PokeBeach Forums Monthly Banner Challenge!
Hello and welcome to the PokéBeach Forums Monthly Banner Challenge! This was created in hopes to give this section a little "boost" if you will, from its current state. The rules are simple, the contest is fun, and the prizes are SWEET. Without further ado, let me go into what this is about in a FAQ style.

Q:So what is this Monthly Banner Challenge about?
The premise of this is that any forum member can take the monthly challenge and make a banner based on what the challenge entails.
All you have to do is submit it, no sign ups or commitments are needed. At the end of the month, the three judges will select the banner they found the best, and that person will be the winner for that month.
Hopefully, if this month proves to be successful, we will continue for months to come with new challenges and banners created each month.
Not only will you get to sport around the title of a Monthly Banner Contest winner, but a competitive pokemon* will also be given out to the winner, if they would like. The winner would just PM me after the results were announced, I will give them a list of pokemon to choose from (its quite lengthy), and they can pick whichever they choose.

*Needs to have a Nintendo DS, Diamond/Pearl/Platinum game cart, and a Wi-Fi connection

Q:If we turn in a banner, can we go back and edit it and submit a new one before the month is over?
Of course! We will only put all the banners together after the contest for the month is over. If you can get it in before we compile them, then you're fine.

Q:Can we use images from Deviant Art?
You can, you will need written permission and a screenshot from whoever the image rightfully belongs to. If you drew it yourself, this is of course, not needed.

Q:Can we use a banner that we made in the past?
After some conversing with the judging staff, we have decided that this rule should be changed. As of the January 2009 Contest, you will have to make a piece specifically for this. If we come to find out that your banner was made by somebody else, or by you in the past, your banner will not be counted in judging.

Q:So how will our banners be judged?
Each judge will look at the banners entered and pick a Winner, Second Place, Third Place and Honorable Mention banner. Each place corresponds to a different amount of points, banner with the most points wins. Here is the scoring key:

Scoring Key
1st Place: 10 Points
2nd Place: 7 Points
3rd Place: 5 Points
Honorable Mention: 2 Points

So even if you dont receive all the First Place votes, you still stand a chance of winning! This ensures a fair and balanced chance for non bias scoring and a fair chance to win every month.

If you have a question regarding the contest, feel free to post it and they will be answered to the fullest extent

Now, lets move on....who are the judges you might ask?
Pokebeach Forums Monthly Banner Contest Judges
  • Black Rayquaza-Creator of Project Custom Tournaments, The Elite-Art Clan for the Ages and The Custom Company
  • Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson-Super Mod on Pokebeach Forums and Judge in Project Custom 1 and 3.
  • Moneyking63-Experienced Artist, PC1 Finals Competitor,PC2 Champion, PC3 Judge and art critic.

I believe that this panel of judges provides each their own styles and vision of art and can judge to the highest of expectations

-Black Rayquaza

PokéBeach Forums Monthly Banner Challenge-March 2009
The Challenge
I'm pretty sure everyone can guess what this challenge is based on =] This is March, and Platinum is coming out next Sunday in the US!!! For this month's (half-month's really lol) challenge, you will be creating a banner featuring a new pokemon form released in Pokemon Platinum. This includes Giratina Origin Form, Rotom's new forms, and Skymin. No other pokemon or forms (no Regular Rotom/Giratina/Shaymin) will be allowed in your banner. Be creative and wow us! This is due March 31st at 12 PM EST. You can start as soon as you finish reading this =] Good Luck!
-Black Rayquaza
::DF111:: said:
Nice !
Quick Q.
Does it have to be only 1 of the Pokemon or can it be more than 1 ?

You can choose more than one, sure. You are welcome to use any of the allowed pokemon on your banner. The challenge is just to include the Platinum exclusives in your banner =]

-Black Rayquaza
This month's theme is a bit similar to the last, but ok, i'll start on mine :p
SixaxiS said:
This month's theme is a bit similar to the last, but ok, I'll start on mine :p

And that was our biggest issue with it...hence why it took so long to get this up, we were gonna change it. But with the release of Platinum, we figured we had to do it without making it too complicated. PMJ suggested we make you guys make a Platinum Battle Frontier banner, I think this is a bit simpler while still fitting the theme.

-Black Rayquaza
Here's yet another astonishingly early entry :p


I might replace it though...
Glad to see people are entering these banners quickly. Again, sorry for the short month but the simplicity of the challenge seems to make up for it =P

-Black Rayquaza
i'm not bothered by a two week competition instead of one month. I think it's better actually.

It would change the whole "monthly" banner thing though :p
SixaxiS said:
I'm not bothered by a two week competition instead of one month. I think it's better actually.

It would change the whole "monthly" banner thing though :p

Yeah, it ruins the name.....the whole reason its monthly is that a month gives people MORE than enough time to refine and polish their entry and therefore raise the level of competition to the level we would like.

-Black Rayquaza
How about a weekly banner contest ?xD
One week is enough time to do a good Banner IMO...
Soul Seeker said:
How about a weekly banner contest ?xD
One week is enough time to do a good Banner IMO...

If a week is enough time to do a good banner explain why every contest with a weekly challenge experiences dropouts that kill the competition.....been there, done that. We've done pretty well so far, I think this system is better as of now.

-Black Rayquaza
Aw man, I just had to change it. The shadow looked terrible. I had to make a better shadow, so here!

Plenty of time for people to update their entries as well as for some new entries to come in! Lets try and keep the number of entrants increasing from month to month =]

-Black Rayquaza
Flygon999 said:
Here's my entry....


...but I may change it...

I believe it has to be one of the NEW forms of giratina/shaymin/rotom

so you better change it :p