The PokéBeach Tournament of Champions. Congrats to Infinity and Machamp the Champion!

RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

6-Dimension said:
I would probably just bold the winner's name, I agree with muddy that crosses tend to be indicative of death or elimination.

The problem here is that mod and smod's names are bolded already. We could just remove the tags that indicate a user's forum status because, y'know, they're pointless and stupid. Then bolding the winner would not be a problem.
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Pretty solid game despite more bad luck on both sides and mulls. The victory goes to RogueChomp.
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Confirming. GG. My prize cards were insanely bad, and he dead drew at a point, but it was still a great game.
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

I beat Vulpix Yolk, but god, I was pathetic. I used Diving Draw under Garbodor (3 separate times...), never payed Mew EXs retreat cost because I thought it was free..., forgot Versatile didn't work under Garbodor...

I'm going to sleep >.<
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

lost to Sinnoh_C_E, GG, a couple misplays on my part
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

I won against blastoyz. Got a good start then I started drawing dead until I catchered for game.
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Just won against Nigel. I feel bad. D:

I'll post the video later. (if that's okay, it's going to be a youtube link)
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Lost against Derp. Stupid bad start is stupid- first time I didn't get a T2 set up with that deck DX

Good game, however. I under-rated the consistency of the deck that he was running at first.
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Oh, forgot to post on this matter:

I accidentally forgot to record my match with Vulpix Yolk and we only realized halfway in. I'll be recording every match onward, though.
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

ComfortEagle said:
The problem here is that mod and smod's names are bolded already. We could just remove the tags that indicate a user's forum status because, y'know, they're pointless and stupid. Then bolding the winner would not be a problem.

could just italicize the winner's name, too
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Activity post. Me and iisnumber12 can't find a time. The deadline is tomorrow, correct?
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

I think flight 2 has extra time because we have to record too.
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

All matches need to be finished by 9/08/12, the extra time allowed was given before Flight 1 pairings were up. Also, just so everyone knows, I'm more likely to issue double game losses than allow extra time for matches. Get your games done soon people!
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Me and Infinity have are game schedualed for between 9:30 and 10:00 tonight (EST). If one of us can't, I think they should get the loss.
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Trying to find Zorua on Skype.
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Hey VY!!!! I've been trying 2 play a game with martini but he couldn't the first time I asked cuz he was at his gmas. I've posted on his prof comments and sent a PM he wont reply
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

I lost, N him to 1 card he gets the catcher and wins
RE: The Pokébeach Tournament of Champions. Round 1 Pairings are up!

Won against Cogbern in an extremely close match. I managed to get a catcher off his last N for the win. Unlucky man, GG.