Finished The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Winner Charizard!

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RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

Freedomeon said:
I don't mind the Gastrodon and Basculin so much but Keldeo being in twice is absolutely ridiculous tbh.

Not sure on Keldeo, as technically it can only know Secret Sword in Resolute Form.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

Scorched Feathers said:
Freedomeon said:
I don't mind the Gastrodon and Basculin so much but Keldeo being in twice is absolutely ridiculous tbh.

Not sure on Keldeo, as technically it can only know Secret Sword in Resolute Form.

Basculin and Gastrodon are technically different Pokemon because they are location based.

Keldeo is just an overpowered pony that gets a pretty hairstyle.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

PsychedelicBreakfast said:
Aren't both Gastrodons the same, as far as movepool and stats?

Yup. They need merging, unless ~4 people oppose, I guess.

Freedomeon said:
Scorched Feathers said:
Not sure on Keldeo, as technically it can only know Secret Sword in Resolute Form.

Basculin and Gastrodon are technically different Pokemon because they are location based.

Keldeo is just an overpowered pony that gets a pretty hairstyle.

While Gastrodon is, Basculin isn't. Keldeo is technically still deserving of a separate entry

RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

Well if Gastrodon is to be merged, it's only fair that Basculin and Keldeo are too.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

I'm up for all 3 merging. I don't want to have to kill Basculin and Gastrodon 4 times.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

PsychedelicBreakfast said:
I'm up for all 3 merging. I don't want to have to kill Basculin and Gastrodon 4 times.

I couldn't agree more, I'll say the same for Keldeo too.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

I don't agree with this, only 1 form passes, so, I don't see the problem in that, that means we don't have to kill both or all forms.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

Eron said:
I don't agree with this, only 1 form passes, so, I don't see the problem in that, that means we don't have to kill both or all forms.

It essentially gives them two chances each to get through. For the people that don't want any of the six getting through it means wasting their time hurting six rather than three.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

We left Gastrodon separate for Ground, why merge them now?
Alomomola - 70
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 140
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Empoleon - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Floatzel - 60
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120 +++
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140 ++
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 120
Kingdra - 140
Kingler - 100
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40 ---
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Qwilfish - 0 ---
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80 ---
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 100
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 120
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 110
Wailord - 70
Walrein - 100
Whiscash - 100
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

I don't think this list includes phone votes, I'm on my phone. Can somebody check please?
Alomomola - 70
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 140
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Empoleon - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Floatzel - 30 ---
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 120
Kingdra - 140
Kingler - 100
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 100
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 120
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 130 +++
Wailord - 70
Walrein - 100
Whiscash - 100
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

sillykyle said:
Can we please ban phone posts this is getting out of hand

I agree if your phone doesn't copy/paste because the list is already out.


Phone voters need to post the updated figures for their HH so it can be copy and pasted easier.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

Is that so difficult to add 20 and take out 30, twice?

If you can make these posts saying that you don't want to count phone posts, why can't you only do that twice or 3 times?
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

SF I see you lurking there, change the name of the thread to "Water Round - The Longest Evah" or something line that, please.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

Out of hand? Because it's so difficult for someone sitting at their computer to enter a few extra numbers to the list? That would be a bogus ban.
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