Finished The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Winner Charizard!

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RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!


I've made the updated list including the phone votes. Can phone voters at least post the updated figures for their Pokemon please.

Alomomola - 70
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 160
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Empoleon - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 140
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 100
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 120
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 130
Wailord - 40
Walrein - 100
Whiscash - 100
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!


Alomomola - 40 -
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 180 +
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Empoleon - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 140
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 100
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 120
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 130
Wailord - 40
Walrein - 100
Whiscash - 100
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

Heal Vaporeon
Hurt Walrein

Alomomola - 40 -
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 180 +
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Empoleon - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 140
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 100
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 120
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 150
Wailord - 40
Walrein - 70
Whiscash - 100
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

So many favorite water types.
Too many to pick from. D:
Alomomola - 40 -
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 180 +
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Empoleon - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 140
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 100
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 90 ---
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 170 +++
Wailord - 40
Walrein - 70
Whiscash - 100
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

You bastards killed my favourite water Pokémon Floazel before I could even post. THANKS JAMES. It's your fault you know.

Alomomola - 40
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 180
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 140
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 120 +++
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 170
Wailord - 40
Walrein - 40 ----
Whiscash - 100
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

THANKS JAMES. It's your fault you know.

That's nice. Because I hurt it, killed it, and proposed its death in the beginning.

Alomomola - 40
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 180
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 140
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 120
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 140 ----
Wailord - 40
Walrein - 40
Whiscash - 120 +++

Just because I know that free is going to bother to annoy me more, and kill everything I heal, Whiscash is going to get healed -.-
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Poison, Yay!

Keldeo (Resolute) - 160
Wailord - 10


I thought you were a mod. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Btw, I don't want to start a war, so, I will only hurt Non-Favourite Pokémon.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

I like a couple pokemon here, so I might play this round


1. Suicune
2. Swampert
3. Kyogre
4. Mega Blastoise
5. Gyrados

Alomomola - 40
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 180
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 140
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 140+ Probably my favorite johto legendary.
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 80- My favorite eevelution, but that's not saying much seeing as how I'm not a eevee fan (Actually, with the exception of Mewtwo I really hate pokemon cats. Eeveelutions, Lilepard, Delicatty, and Mega Mewtwo X if that counts
Wailord - 40
Walrein - 40
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Actually, with the exception of Mewtwo I really hate pokemon cats.
Then that's alright, because Mewtwo isn't a cat.

edit: Oh, Reggie, your list is screwed up. Again.
Vappy should be at 110 I think.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Reggie, if it's your favourite Eeveelution why are you hurting it when there are plenty of other options?
Vaporeon, is my second favourite after Espeon. If you leave it alone I won't hurt Regirock, I promise.

Also, Keeper is right. You've taken 60 off instead of 30.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Yeah, when we get to the grass round, please add Torterra, and I won't hurt Leafeon if you don't hurt Torterra..
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Eron said:
Yeah, when we get to the grass round, please add Torterra, and I won't hurt Leafeon if you don't hurt Torterra..

RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Alomomola - 10 -
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 200 +
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 160
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 80
Wailord - 10
Walrein - 40
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

You missed my post. Keldeo should be 160 and Wailord 10
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Heal Vaporeon
Hurt Walrein

Correcting Reggie's error too.

Alomomola - 10
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 200
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 160
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 130
Wailord - 10
Walrein - 10
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Freedomeon said:
Eron said:
Yeah, when we get to the grass round, please add Torterra, and I won't hurt Leafeon if you don't hurt Torterra..


Ugh... I don't even want to think about the Grass round.
I don't think there's any Grass type I don't like.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Keeper of Night said:
Freedomeon said:

Ugh... I don't even want to think about the Grass round.
I don't think there's any Grass type I don't like.

Well, there may be something you like, look at me in the bug round, I remembered that I liked Genesect.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Eron said:
Keeper of Night said:
Ugh... I don't even want to think about the Grass round.
I don't think there's any Grass type I don't like.

Well, there may be something you like, look at me in the bug round, I remembered that I liked Genesect.

He's saying he likes almost all Grass types.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

WanderingWolf said:
Eron said:
Well, there may be something you like, look at me in the bug round, I remembered that I liked Genesect.

He's saying he likes almost all Grass types.
Oh, I read it wrong, yeah, I think Grass has the most Pokémon I like.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Freedomeon said:
I think Suicune is going to finish quite high this round. There's so many meh Water types though and I'm predicting most of them to get high because you guys are mental for Hoenn/Sinnoh.

Well now that you've said it, there's no way it's going to win.

PsychedelicBreakfast said:
I always have my browser open to PokéBeach when my computer is on, and I always have my mobile browser on PokéBeach when I'm on the go, soooo... lol

Same here, but I always leave it on the User CP.

Is someone taking out Pokemon? Empoleon up an vanished and the only reason I know that is because I was going to heal it. I can't be bothered to read through this thread (because I never read through it), but whoever did this needs to not do that. And what the heck is Omaster?

HURT: Huntail
HEAL: Empoleon

Alomomola - 10
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 200
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Clawitzer - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Empoleon - 120
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 140
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Huntail - 70
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 160
Kingdra - 160
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 100
Lanturn - 120
Lapras - 100
Ludicolo - 40
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 100
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 100
Octillery - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 80
Seismitoad - 100
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 100
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 100
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 130
Wailord - 10
Walrein - 10
Whiscash - 120
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