DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

I believe a Shiny Ditto will still always transform into the normal version of what it's facing; same with a normal Ditto (even if it's facing a Shiny, it will still transform into the normal sprite).

Also, Ditto copies everything about the opposing Pokemon, except for HP. Ditto keeps it's base HP stat, HP EVs, and HP IVs. Everything else, including ability, nature, etc, is that of its opponent.

And yeah, that only applies to battle, and not breeding, where Ditto remains the same in terms of EVs, moves, IVs, and such.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Ok maybe I should change my question to:
Would breeding 1 or 2 shinies increase the chances of hatching a shiny?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

No, it would not increase the chances. The only way to increase the chances is to chain.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

No chaining won't increase the chances of hatching a shiny egg...
But ok, thanks for answering.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Chain catching is the only way to increase the chances of getting a Shiny no matter what. Breeding takes just as long as Random Encounters.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

FireMeowth said:
Focus Punch is a one-turn attack. It charges at the beginning of the turn, and releases the punch at the end. If it is attacked in between, it can't use the attack.

And I'm quite sure there's no such item.

ok so lets say my pokemon charges up one turn and next turn this pokemon attacks me.... i can't use it...? and can i use a quick claw to go b4 hand?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Focus Punch has Move Priority. You charge up the punch and go first before any other move, unless they have priority moves themselves.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Lieutenant Houndoom said:
Chain catching, not chain breeding; using the radar.

I know that, that's why I said it won't work to get more shines out of eggs...
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

ShadowTai715 said:
... what does that mean?

Move Priority determines what goes first. Quick Attack, Fake Out, Bullet Punch, etc. You can't make Focus Punch go faster because it has high priority.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Wow, I didn't realize Focus Punch was coded that way. I thought it was just a regular two-turn move, not unlike SolarBeam. It was probably programmed that way specifically so that Power Herb wouldn't work on it.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

I have a few questions. Mostly noobish but i'm just now getting into building competetive teams.

1) What are IV's? And how do you get them and what do they do for the pokemon?

2) When EV training, when do you stop battling pokemons that increase the EV you are trying to increase. Do you have to battle only pokemon that increase the EV you want until level 100, or until you get the 506 EV max or whatever

3) How would a pokemon with Pokerus, and a power ____(insert whichever one, anklet, bracelet, etc.) effect a pokemon getting on EV in the certain are of the power ____. Would it be (1+4x2=10?)

4) How much do calciums, irons, etc. effect the EV. And can you only give 10 of those items to 1 pokemon? (Example: 6 irons, 2 calciums, and 2 PP ups?)

5) I don't get the whole 31/31/x/31/31 IV thing... at all. I know that's in each category like HP, Atk, Def, etc. but I don't get it

6) Anything else someone about to EV/IV breed needs to know. Because I don't want to dedicate to one thing and then far into it realize I screwed up.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

bonsly1994 said:
I have a few questions. Mostly noobish but I'm just now getting into building competetive teams.

1) What are IV's? And how do you get them and what do they do for the pokemon?
This should help you for IVs:

2) When EV training, when do you stop battling pokemons that increase the EV you are trying to increase. Do you have to battle only pokemon that increase the EV you want until level 100, or until you get the 506 EV max or whatever
You keep battling until the Pokemon has the amount of EVs you want for that stat. Then, you'd move on to the next stat. Once you're finished EV training in the stats you want to train your Pokemon in, then you level them up to Level 100.

For example, let's say you want to EV your Zapdos to be the same as the first set on this page:

Assuming you don't have Pokerus/aren't using Power items/haven't eaten Vitamins or anything, you would beat 252 Bidoof to get the Pokemon up to 252 HP EVs. Then, you'd move onto Defense, and fight 220 Geodudes for 220 Defense EVs. Finally, you'd finish with speed, and fight 36 Magikarps to get to 36 Speed EVs. Then, you'd be done EV training, and could level it up to Level 100. If you were using things like Vitamins, then the amount of Pokemon you would have to fight would change, but the idea is still the same (give your Pokemon the amount of EVs it needs, then level it up to Level 100 when you're done).

And of course, remember the EV training rules: A Pokemon can only have up to a total of 510 EVs, and can only have up to 255 EVs in any particular stat. However, you need 4 EV points to get 1 extra stat point at Level 100, so the most EVs you should put in any stat is 252, as that is the largest number under 255 that is divisible by 4.

3) How would a pokemon with Pokerus, and a power ____(insert whichever one, anklet, bracelet, etc.) effect a pokemon getting on EV in the certain are of the power ____. Would it be (1+4x2=10?)
Pokerus is always applied last. So, let's say for example that you were fighting Budew (which normally give out 1 Special Attack EV) with the Power Lens (the Power item that boosts Special Attack EVs) attached, with a Pokemon that has Pokerus. The amount of EVs you'd get would be:
10 Special Attack EVs.

4) How much do calciums, irons, etc. effect the EV. And can you only give 10 of those items to 1 pokemon? (Example: 6 irons, 2 calciums, and 2 PP ups?)
Each of the stat boosting items (HP UP, Calcium, Iron, Carbos, Zinc, and Carbos) gives the Pokemon 10 EVs in that stat. You can give a Pokemon a maximum of up to 10 of each vitamin. However, Vitamins won't work if your Pokemon already has over 100 EVs in a stat, so it's best to have them be the first thing you give to a Pokemon when you're training them to maximize the effect. Also, EVs from Vitamin do count towards your EV total, so you can't get anymore than the 510 EV limt (or, giving the Pokemon the maximum of 10 vitamins in 5 stats and giving it 1 vitamin in the last) from them.

PP Ups are a bit different; they're not connect to EVs at all, as PP has no connection to EVs. EVs are only gained in HP, Atk, Def, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. What PP Ups do, is increase the PP of a move by 1/5 of the move's original Power Points. You can only use up to 3 PP Ups (or 1 PP Max, which has the same effect as 3 PP Ups) on any give move. However, you can max out all 4 of a Pokemon's moves PP if you want, by using 3 PP Ups on all 4 Moves.

An example of PP Up usage: Say you want to give Heatran's Fire Blast the maximum PP, so you use three PP on it. Each PP up increases Fire Blast's PP by 1/5 of it's normal PP. Fire Blast normally has 5 PP. 5 divided by 5 is 1. So, each PP Up will give Heatran's Fire Blast 1 more PP. In other words:
Fire Blast with 0 PP Ups: 5 PP
With 1: 6 PP
With 2: 7 PP
With 3: 8 PP

Or, if you had used a PP Max on it instead, it would have simply jumped directly to 8 PP.

5) I don't get the whole 31/31/x/31/31 IV thing... at all. I know that's in each category like HP, Atk, Def, etc. but I don't get it
That's listing a Pokemon's IVs. Usually, it's in the order HP/Atk/Def/Sp. Atk/Sp. Def/Speed. The numbers are how many IVs a Pokemon has in that stat; in this case, that Pokemon has the maximum of 31 IVs in everything but Defense. What the x in Defense would mean, is that the Pokemon doesn't have perfect IVs in that stat. However, that stat isn't important for that Pokemon, so an x is put there, since it doesn't matter. For example, the special Attack IV of a Gyarados would probably be given as an x, since it doesn't use special attacks, and thus the IV wouldn't matter.

6) Anything else someone about to EV/IV breed needs to know. Because I don't want to dedicate to one thing and then far into it realize I screwed up.
Nothing in particular that I can think of. If you want to read more though, read that first link I gave you on IVs. Serebii also has some good info:
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Paladin of Arceus said:
Wow, I didn't realize Focus Punch was coded that way. I thought it was just a regular two-turn move, not unlike SolarBeam. It was probably programmed that way specifically so that Power Herb wouldn't work on it.

Focus Punch was made before Power Herb (Focus Punch was in R/S, while Power Herb was only made in D/P) :p
It's always been a 1-turn attack, but it just seems like a 2-turn move. It charges at the beginning of the turn, and attacks at the end of that same turn. You can test it by spamming Focus Punch and counting how many times the opponent attacks.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Wichu said:
Paladin of Arceus said:
Wow, I didn't realize Focus Punch was coded that way. I thought it was just a regular two-turn move, not unlike SolarBeam. It was probably programmed that way specifically so that Power Herb wouldn't work on it.

Focus Punch was made before Power Herb (Focus Punch was in R/S, while Power Herb was only made in D/P) :p
It's always been a 1-turn attack, but it just seems like a 2-turn move. It charges at the beginning of the turn, and attacks at the end of that same turn. You can test it by spamming Focus Punch and counting how many times the opponent attacks.

wow.... i just figured that out like a day ago.... i swear, i remember it being a two turn attack.... i must of been out of it, i guess.... but is there a way that makes focus punch get like a definite hit.... like making it go to sleep or something?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Status conditions are cheap but they work. The most common strategy is Sub-Punch. Substitute and Focus Punch can usually hit.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Wichu said:
Focus Punch was made before Power Herb (Focus Punch was in R/S, while Power Herb was only made in D/P) :p
Yes, I know. What I'm saying is that it must've been coded in such a way as to give it a non-negatable drawback due to its massive attack power, in anticipation of such items as power herb.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Oh, it's negatable, just use Substitute. It's pretty popular for pokemon with good attack and no real good other coverage option, or just something that's really, really, really, really painful.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Using sub just gets around focuspunch's charge-up time, it doesn't remove it altogether, which is what I'm trying to say.
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