DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

If anyone could confirm, that would be wonderful.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

How do you get Spiritomb to appear? I've done the 30 people in the underground thing, but I go to Hallowed tower, and it says it's ready to emerge, but no battle starts. Is it a 24-hour wait, or a specific time of day, or what? What am I missing? Thanks in advance.

Edit: Whoops, I just checked Serebii, and it says 32 people, not 30. I have 31, so I'm one short. Nevermind then, sorry for wasting your bandwidth with my spam.

Edit2: I caught myself a Spiritomb, and I have a platinum flag for my secret base. Question: If you move your base, do you have to re-collect all 50 flags, or do they carry over to your new location? I figure that since unlocking the platinum flag unlocks a trainer card star, it must save permanently, but I just want to make absolutely sure before moving my secret base closer to my Diamond character's base, so he can get 50 flags and 32 people faster.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Is there an easy way to catch Uxie or Azelf in Pt? They are so hard to catch.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Muddy68 said:
Is there an easy way to catch Uxie or Azelf in Pt? They are so hard to catch.

Well, just use Dusk Balls. Put it to sleep/paralysis first, and try to weaken them as much as possible. Those are given, though, so I don't know what else to tell you. Maybe the random number generator just doesn't like you. xD
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Trust me, my game hates me. It took me 7 ultra balls to catch Giritina. My friend took 1...

IT DIDN'T WORK! Come on, there has to be some way to catch it. I am soooo close to just getting rid of the game.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Muddy68 said:
Trust me, my game hates me. It took me 7 ultra balls to catch Giritina. My friend took 1...

IT DIDN'T WORK! Come on, there has to be some way to catch it. I am soooo close to just getting rid of the game.

You think that's bad? I did 30 + DUSK BALLS to catch Giratina. X_____X

Uxie & Azelfs Catch Rate is 3. So is Giratina's.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Ok, can anyone please tell me why some released Pokemons come back?

I tried releasing a Gyarados once, but it says, " The Gyarados came back!"

Isnt that odd??
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

FireMeowth said:
Probably because it knows HM moves.

Is that true? Never thought about that, actually it never appeared to me that a released Pokemon came back, well another thing learnt today :D
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Try this:

Whenthe pokemon comes out, throw a quick ball. If it doesn't work, start over and face the pokemon again(given that you saved first)

I caught dialga with a quick ball.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

#1weavile said:
Try this:

Whenthe pokemon comes out, throw a quick ball. If it doesn't work, start over and face the pokemon again(given that you saved first)

I caught dialga with a quick ball.

Well... I wouldn't compare catching Dialga to catching Uxie and Azelf. Azelf and Uxie (like said before) have catch rates of 3, whereas Dialga has a catch rate of 30 - making Dialga far easier to capture.

Really, Muddy68, it's like most people said - it's all about how lucky you get with the catching calculation's random number generator. It's an unfortunate fact that one has to rely on such a picky game of chance, but that's what it comes down to in cases like yours. :(
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

I need help in Platnium.
How do I meet "Barry" (the rival) after you beet TG near Sunnyshore?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Team Galactic? You mean at the Lake?
Basically, go to Snowpoint, that's where he should be. First, talk to the Professor at Lake Verity by saving "Dawn,"
then you go to Snowpoint, get the Badge, and Rock Climb to the Northern Lake.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

yeah it's me back with another odd question.

My question would be, where is the move tutor for Draco Meteor? I can't seem to find it anywhere. :/
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

SotS said:
yeah it's me back with another odd question.

My question would be, where is the move tutor for Draco Meteor? I can't seem to find it anywhere. :/

Lets see.. Ummm... Route 210.. Rock Climb.. Yah, then I think a woman named Wilma or something teaches your Dragon Pokemons Draco Meteor.

Things to note : Only DRAGON TYPE Pokemons with their happiness maxxed out can learn this move. And also, only Dragon types, Arceus with Draco Plate and Smeargle can learn this move. Even though mew is suppossed to learn every moves, it cant learn Draco Meteor.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

SotS said:
yeah it's me back with another odd question.

My question would be, where is the move tutor for Draco Meteor? I can't seem to find it anywhere. :/

There's a house on route 210 (the route to celestic town with the fog), there's a woman inside who will teach it to every dragon type, but it has to have max happiness and it's only for dragons!

EDIT: Dugtrio Trio you were just a little bit faster ;)
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Pokequaza wrote :

"EDIT: Dugtrio Trio you were just a little bit faster"

No wonder I have BASE 120 SPE :p

Ok, heres a question. When Ditto takes the form of its foe, it copies the move sets with all PP 5, right? And does it also copy the original stats or any stat enhancements of the foe too?
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