DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

I was going to ask this eventually but hooray d master for saving me time
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Thanks, Master of the D. :0 That's perfect.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Ummm I was told that the roaming legendaries' natures are set once you start the game! AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

I do believe that is a lie. I've been told that you can use the Synchronize trick to get one of a specific nature.

I think that once you SEE them the nature is set is what they were trying to say.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

So if I already encountered Raikou then everything is set ? :/
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Not exactly. Nothing is set in stone on those until they are caught. My advice would be to save before catching each time, see if you like the nature, and if you do not, release and try again!
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread


Roaming legends' stats are made when you set them free. Uxie and Cresselia are like this, so I imagine Raikou and Entei are like this, too.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Oh my gosh this sucks so much what do I do?
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Suck it up like everyone else.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Probably not, since you have to speak to it to battle it (like Mewtwo, for example).
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Raikou and Entei's nature, IVs, etc. are set once you release them. If they have undesirable natures, then defeat them and go through the Pokemon League. Once you go through Pokemon League, the dogs will respawn with new a nature, IVs, etc.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Okay, I saw somewhere that for the pokemon that take 120 days to get (which I find ridiculous), you can just change the clock 120 times or something like that to fast forward it. Say I did that. About how far would my time events be off?
EDIT: To specify, they said set it to 23:59 and let the time roll over.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

That doesn't work with Daisy, or Buena's Password, so I imagine that this is the same way.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

OK, but suppose it did. How far off are we talking?
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Four months.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

That's a pass! I am not screwing my game for that long! I can totally wait.
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