DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Waterfall or Aqua Jet
Swords Dance or Filler

...is standard.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

What would be a good moveset for a Flygon?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

For what role? To beat the E4? To beat the battle tower? In competitive batteling?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Why do loads of pokemon in Black and white evolve really late ?? eg, Mandibuzz,Mienshao,eelektros, Lampent etc.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

...just the way they decided to do things this time around. It could also be in conjunction with the fact that getting experience is now really really easy to get in comparison to past generations, i.e. trying to get a Hydreigon in Gen 5 would take about the same amount of work to get a Dragonite in Gen 4 or earlier.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

TastyTangrowth said:
Why do loads of pokemon in Black and white evolve really late ?? eg, Mandibuzz,Mienshao,eelektros, Lampent etc.
If you noticed a trend about these Pokemon, the basic stages of these Pokemon come quite late in the game (e.g. Litwick near 7th gym, Mienfoo at Dragonspiral)... this also applies to other late game Pokemon like Rufflet lol. I suppose the makers wanted us to suffer a little bit more and go through the whole evolution process?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

I'm a very slow learner, so can somebody can somebody answer with specific details.

So, in Pokemon Platinum, in the Battle Frontier, in the Battle Arcade, it says you need a streak of 21, to be challenged by the Arcade Star Dahlia. So it's basically just 3 sets of 7? or what?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Yes. 21 battles in a row without losing.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

And without switching to another location in the Battle Frontier.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

P99 is incorrect-its simply winning 21 battles in a row in the battle arcade without losing. It doesn't matter if you challenge some other areas in between or even don't play for a few months or whatever, the only thing that affects the frontier brains appearing is battles in their stadium.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Are you sure? Because when I was challenging one area and I went and switched to try another one, my streak ended...
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

I'm quite sure, I've played on the Platinum Battle Frontier a lot. Are you sure your streak actually ended? You may have not realized it was the next 7 games. Is it possible you lost and didn't remember? I have never had that happen to me...
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Dark Void's right. You can come back to the same streak later and continue it. For your streak to actually be broken, you actually have to lose.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

What wild Pokemon in Emerald would wage EXP Points that's divisible by 13? I messed up on my Swellow yesterday and I thought I could EV train him in Speed. He's a Naughty Nature instead of Hasty which is beneficial because it was taking so long and I wanted to get through my game so I can trade with my Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness game where no one is a Hasty Nature and when he was 1230 EXP Points from reaching level 30, I fought 3 Level 17 Sevipers and then I tried to get him the other 30 EXP Points and then when I fought a level 2 Zigzagoon, thinking that he waged 15 EXP Points, he waged 17 EXP Points. I forgot about that so please help. I keep trying to ask this on Yahoo Answers and I'm getting spam. There must be a Pokemon that gives 13 EXP Points, 26 EXP Points, 39 EXP Points, 52 EXP Points, 65 EXP Points, or 78 EXP Points, no matter who it is.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

You're getting spammed because it is a question that is incredibly difficult to answer :p

Anyway, the easiest answer is level 3 Zigzagoons. They give 26 exp.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Now I have a question :p

Why did you need a certain amount of EXP? Do certain events happen with a specific amount of EXP?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

slickmario said:
You're getting spammed because it is a question that is incredibly difficult to answer :p

Anyway, the easiest answer is level 3 Zigzagoons. They give 26 exp.

Aw man! I should've continued but thanks anyway. I knew that wild level 8 Whismur gave about 78 EXP Points but it's actually 77 which is only divisible by 11 but you'd need 7 Pokemon to get 11 EXP Points if Swellow had 11 left and that's impossible.

@pokemon99, I had only capped 4 Pokemon to exactly level 30. I was playing on my Gameboy Advance SP with my Shedinja, the Pokemon in your sig and avatar before my Gameboy Advance SP broke. Then I went to train Slugma and Aron. I was on my Nintendo DS when I was trying to train Swellow and I wasn't thinking right. I just created my table on Microsoft Excel for gen 1 and gen 2 and he is in one of those groups. The set levels of the battle tents in Emerald is 30 which is why I was capping them at those levels. I also want to save some for Battle Mode in Pokemon Colosseum so I want to cap others at level 50. For others, I want to equally EV train them to level 100 and that is my goal in Pokemon. I also have a Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness game to trade with but I don't have a gameboy advance because it kept getting interrupted and I tore off the screen. Whoops!
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

I'm fairly certain that if the level cap is 30, it doesn't have to be at that level with no exp, just on that level. So, it doesn't matter if you have some extra exp points as far as I know (I think that I was able to use the battle tents with Pokemon that I just happened to have at level 30, but with wierd exp). Forgive me if I'm not understanding this.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Well, for some reason, the competitive questions and answers thread was closed, so now I'll ask this here.
I decided to catch more Scyther to get a good one and these two were the best ones I caught:
1st Scyther has 31 IV in HP but 1 IV in Sp.Def
2nd Scyther only has 3 IV in HP but has a bit higher IV in Sp.Def: 10
The other stats are pratically identical, so I'd like to know which one is better? Is the HP more important than the Sp.Def?
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