DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

hookshot_umbreon said:
Here's a couple of out-of-left-field questions:

1) What happens when a Pokémon use 'Dark Void' in a Double Battle with the Sleep Clause on? The person that used dark void loses

2) If Pokémon A uses 'Sucker Punch' on the same turn opponent's Pokémon B uses 'Shadow Force', will it hit? No.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

my spriritomb is only lvl 34 and it seems as if it is maxed out in EV's since it won't gain anymore from EV-training( i like battled 40 magikarp for more speed, but with taunt and sucker punch ll the time so it took quite long and i only gained +2 in speed, bummer)
So what do I do now, do I just star tleveling it up real quick beacause it doesn't matter anymore or should I try and keep up with the EV training?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

If it's Lv.34, it's probably done EV training. You can level up, but it's not necessary if you Wi-Fi battle.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Word of advice; Spiritomb will never need the speed, he can't outrun anything and with Sucker Punch he will tend not to ever anyway. Drop the Speed EVs to 0 and up any of the other five stats, he'll need them most.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Hey, not sure if this is really the place to put this, but...

I've used Action Replay to catch the three event legendaries by getting the event items. (Don't worry, I've only used it for those three things and the TM code (because those are too few xD), and have gotten the legit Darkrai that was given out, and will do so for the other two when the time comes. :p )

Okay, now I used those codes like... 500 game play hours ago (I'm currently at 740 hours), and I was wondering if the events will reactivate after a certain amount of time. I'm saying this because today I decided to revisit Newmoon Island for fun, and Darkrai was there again. (I can even battle it, catch it, and if I catch/kill it, it's gone.) I went back to Canalave and checked the Inn (the original location of event activation), and it was as if the event had actually just reactivated. Just to be sure, I checked the other event locations, and none of those reactivated (though I kinda wanted to be able to get back into the Hall of Origin). xD

Now, I've never used the Action Replay code to reactivate any of the events, nor have I used it for anything other than what I said above. So is this simply what happens after having used the codes and having a lot of time pass, or is this simply a one-time glitch? (Since I'd returned to the Island numerous times before, and Darkrai was nowhere to be found.)
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

I not sure if this has been answered earlier, but I was wondering what the shinning stone at the end of route 224 does?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

It's where you take Oak's Letter to open access to Flower Paradise in order to catch Shaymin. Doubtful the item will ever show itself after the glitch from Japan allowed people to get there without the item or without hacking.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Is there any way to get specific natures on Pokemon that hatch from eggs easily(because I made 40 Eevee eggs yet not one of them was Modest natured...)
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

katamari roller said:
Is there any way to get specific natures on Pokemon that hatch from eggs easily(because I made 40 Eevee eggs yet not one of them was Modest natured...)

Get an Everstone, and put it on the Female with the nature you want. Breed with a Male of any nature, and you're bound to get the nature you want. (50% chance to be exact.)

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

d master342 said:
katamari roller said:
Is there any way to get specific natures on Pokemon that hatch from eggs easily(because I made 40 Eevee eggs yet not one of them was Modest natured...)

Get an Everstone, and put it on the Female with the nature you want. Breed with a Male of any nature, and you're bound to get the nature you want. (50% chance to be exact.)

dmaster out.

So what if you put a everstone on a Modest Male Charizard with a Ditto. Would it hatch in to a modest Charmander?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

No, it would be just a random nature.

Edit: Oh, I forgot, a Ditto with an Everstone works the same way a female does. Let's say you wanted a Female Modest Charmander. Then, you can breed a Male Charizard with a Female Modest Charizard or a Modest Ditto and that works the same way.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

If I've recieved the Manaphy Egg from Ranger 1, can I still get one from Ranger 2?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

How many more Ev's in defense does a power belt give if i fight Bibarel?
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