DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

PokeLord said:
You need to have a GBA game in your GBA slot to activate Haunter and Gengar in the painting room.

You MUST have the national dex to get Rotom.

Yes it does because the Metapod hears it.

Thanks i was wondering why Gengar wasn't appearing!
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Rotom only appears in the TV between about 12 am to about 1 am; it's a relatively short window.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

1: is their a effect that copies another persons effect permanentely? (like sketch). Because it would be awesome if a spiritomb had it. He could copy shedinja's effect, and be invinsible.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Juliacoolo said:
1: is their a effect that copies another persons effect permanentely? (like sketch). Because it would be awesome if a spiritomb had it. He could copy shedinja's effect, and be invinsible.

No, there is currently nothing that would permanently copy a Pokémon's Ability and give it to another Pokémon.

The closest thing to that so far is Trace, and that simply copies the ability in battle, and only until the Pokémon with Trace switches or is Knocked Out. Also, Skill Swap is an option for switching abilities to other Pokémon, but that, too, is not permanent.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Youknow if you get nincada and evolve it and a shedinja comes as well does that only happen in emerald because I done it in pearl and it never came. :(
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

kashmaster said:
Youknow if you get nincada and evolve it and a shedinja comes as well does that only happen in emerald because I done it in pearl and it never came. :(

Did you have an open slot in your party and an extra Poké Ball (yes, it must be a regular Poké Ball or else it won't work) in your bag when it evolved? Because if not, then of course you wouldn't get a Shedinja.

Regardless, yes, it's still possible to get Shedinja in Diamond and Pearl.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Oh, I didnt it said on a FAQ it wasnt required they obviously lied, but thanks Xous
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

kashmaster said:
Oh, I didnt it said on a FAQ it wasnt required they obviously lied, but thanks Xous

Yeah, in D/P (and most likely Pt), you need a Poké Ball for it to work.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

This isn't the right place, but he did his avatar himself.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

hey what EXACTLY do sp. attack and sp. defense do?? im confused on that subject
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Well each attack has a sign next to it indicating whether it is attack or sp attack. Purple is sp and orange with yellow is attack. Specific pokemon are made for sp attack such as: Gengar and others made for attack : Rhyperior. That is why it would be wasteful investing evs in to attack for a gengar when it clearly accelerates in sp attack and also speed.

Sp defence is resistance to sp attack. Obviously the higher the sp defence the less damage a sp attack will do same for attack and defence. I would give examples but go check smogon for a more detailed explanation on this subject.

Hope I helped :)
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

I see, so in a ghost type I would want tto invest in Sp. Atk. Interesting...
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Yeh but it does depend as to what pokemon your talking about as dusknoir is more a defence and sp defence whilst gengar is sp attack and speed. Go check smogon for more details as they explain everything
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Lvl 2 Ambipom, is it possible without hacking? LMK
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

It probably is hacked because I dont think aipom evolves to ambipom at lv 2
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