The reason for your username?

Jirachi is an amazing pokemon. Nick is my name
(The j MUST be lowercased, the uppercase J annoys me)
When I was young I went by the name Silver Lugia on other forums. Also I always go by silver on Video games and my friend calls me Silver when ever we talk on the internet, because I don't like giving out my real name. When my friend decided she wanted to go to a con, I thought about going by Silver, but I figured everyone would have that name. So I then I thought about Azure,but I figured some one would have that too. So I went as Silazu (which my friend hated and said sounded stupid, but I choose it anyway just to spite her,lol) I made this account after the con. Also my favorite colors are Silver and Blue.
been using this username for everything ever since I made it up years ago...
I've had three usernames in my time here since April of 2007. They are:

May 2007-November 2008: ckfy63a-Before November of 2008, I used this name for almost anything that I didn't use my real name for. When I got my first Compaq computer as a gift from my parents in 1999, I excitedly keyboard-mashed. The jumble of letters and numbers that came out was ckfy63a so the name just stuck.

November 2008-December 18, 2008: AquaMan1997-Ah, the month and a half that I was obsessed with Mega Man due to Mega Man 9's releasing the month earlier. I hastily changed my name to this after playing Mega Man 8 for the first time, and Aqua Man was my favorite boss.

December 19, 2008-Present: HeatRotomFTW1997-Once I found out that no more username changes would be allowed, I wanted to have a permanent username that I would be using, something that would stick with me as my future identity. I chose HeatRotomFTW1997 because Rotom is one of my favorite Pokémon and the Heat form is my favorite. As [member]Blue Thunder[/member] said, I would only change my name to make it something shorter like HRFTW1997 in the event that name changes are ever allowed again.

I'll always remember what [member]Shakespeare[/member] said to me in a PM once:

"Dude, you change your username like I change underwear. lol."
Well, when I first joined the site in mid 2008, I was and still am a huge Mario series fan, and for my favorite character being Wario, I had to incorporate him in the name. I don't really know how the power got in there, but usually people just call me WP for short, haha.
Well, It's my Real name lol. Bella, and the D just standing for nothing. If I were to use my real initials, BellaA would look stupid.
konter is my last name and my first name is jacob. idk why there is an 8902 but thats pretty much why.. and they don't do username changes anymore so I can't change my username to Rebecca Black :(
^Lol, I like it. =P

Well when I was at a Pokemon TCG tournament once, (some big players may recognize the name) Gino Lombardi helped me out with a deck of mine. He commented on my hair and asked for my name. I told him my name (Gabe) and he came up with the nickname "Afro-G". Nobody calls me that, but I like the sound of it so I use it for a lot of my internet usernames. =]
lol. My username has another reason. I couldn't think of anything else and I have a shiny female Snivy.
Afro-G said:
Well when I was at a Pokemon TCG tournament once, (some big players may recognize the name) Gino Lombardi helped me out with a deck of mine. He commented on my hair and asked for my name. I told him my name (Gabe) and he came up with the nickname "Afro-G". Nobody calls me that, but I like the sound of it so I use it for a lot of my internet usernames. =]

I just have to say that's pretty awesome that you have a nickname from a big name Pokemon TCG player. :eek:

dmaster out.
Pokeplayer44: I play Pokemon and I like the number 44. Simple enough, PP44 for short. That sounds like a gun.:p
I know I posted a reason for my username,but it wasn't really a good story. I just said:"Umbreon and Espeon were my first Pokemon" Lame. So here's a much better one.
Umbreon and Espeon were my first Pokemon ever.(Pokemon Colosseum) They were my most powerful Pokemon in the game.(And don't think my team was weak!) They helped me finish the game. They were so cool to me back then. I use them in all of my DS games now.(Long story of transferring) They are probably two of my best Pokemon. (Lv.100 BTW) I wanted to respect my favorite Pokemon in the world. And that is the reason for my username. :p
This started way back when I was six or seven. I wanted to join So I need it a username. I added my nn and 32. 32 was because Shaq was playing for the heat at that time and they ended up wining their first championship and its also my birth day backwards(23). And then I wanted to join PB and I also thought legend hunter sounded cool. And added 32. And thats it.

When I signed on for Pokemon Lake i was REALLY bored...
so i did something random. I've continued to use it.