The reason for your username?

My favorite Character is Luigi and the username itself is based upon Luigi's Mansion,In which Luigi is tasked with "Eliminating Ghost".Similar to Ghost Busters,thus that's where the ''Buster'' falls into place.

The 8989 part however,is based upon a youtube user whom of which videos I constantly viewed,I believe the name was MarioMario8989.
Paddy, and I randomly thought '185' went well at the end of my name.
Plus it was my email and I really couldn't be asked to think of a new one.
I like Fire Pokemon a bit more than I like Ice Types, but I couldn't think of anything related to fire. (Without having a suckish name like Fire Lord, etc.)
So I slapped "broken" in front of ice, due to fact if something is broken : it doesn't work and thus if Ice is truly "broken" it would be hot like fire.
And I liek the BrOken part. Next touch.
Well, I like Zorua, and I like Snivy, alot. And I can never seem you spell things right, so that's where "luver" comes from. So yeah.
On another website, my screenname is "*~*PassionMist*~*" because I'm WarriorCat obsessed, and I wanted a cool name, and "Mist" is uppercased, because at the time I thought the suffix was uppercased.
At one point, I've had screennames like "BlazingTyphosion", "FeirceFlygon", and "Oakheartluver", mainly because it's things I like at the time. I ALWAYS have a backup screenname.
Oldest - Giga, sounds cool and giga drain was my favorite move at the time.
Older - Peta, moving up the capacity table. (Megabytes, Gigabytes, PetaBytes, Terabytes) It was changed for good because of copyright reasons.
Present - Delta - I had an increasingly growing desire for studying Greek myths. It's a common name, easily recognisable and it sounds cool.
Hi! *Pokes* Really, this name started when I was like 5, and I thought oh hi, and pokemon = hipokemon, i cut off the mon, and there we go Hipoke! I used it ever since, cuz i don't feel like thinking of another name.
In my Ruby I was hatching Vulpix eggs and was trying to get a shiny. I started thinking about what would happen if you cracked a Pokemon egg open. The idea of a Vulpix egg Yolk was funny to me, and made a great username IMO. I gave a longer explanation in a older thread like this, but I have forgotten most of the details in the story and don't know where the old thread is and I am in no mood to find it.

Edit: Thanks Hypnotic Luxray, actually, this description seems to be more in depth... I thought I wrote more on the old thread. Whatever.
Vulpix Yolk said:
In my Ruby I was hatching Vulpix eggs and was trying to get a shiny. I started thinking about what would happen if you cracked a Pokemon egg open. The idea of a Vulpix egg Yolk was funny to me, and made a great username IMO. I gave a longer explanation in a older thread like this, but I have forgotten most of the details in the story and don't know where the old thread is and I am in no mood to find it.
I really like Ice types and I wanted to be a great pokemon battler at the time. So I guess I wanted to be a Pokemon Master. So i combined them toget ther make Ice_Master! Wierd though the username Ice Master was taken so i was forced to put an underscore between Ice and Master.

Wierd note: Since then I met the person who had the original Ice Master username LOL
When I first began to play the saxophone my fourth grade teacher noticed the similarities between me and Kenny G. We both had long curly hair and played the saxophone. So she called me Benny G once to make fun of me and I have used in in practically everything since. Which is weird because I am cool with people calling me Bennyg but not plain Benny. And the 47 in front of my name was to give homage to the fake mathmatical proof created at Pomona College and because I believe 47 appears more frequently than other numbers.
My mom came up with it when I was smaller and he helped me with my e-mail account. I've stuck with it since.
scuba stevee is actually my real nickname. Back around 1999/2000 me and a couple of my friends were sitting at a table in art class. We were just talking and having a good time, and we started talking about the movie Big Daddy, it came out that year. And I guess in one of my friend's mind, a chain reaction occured: Big Daddy-->Scuba Steve(character in the movie)-->Stephen(my name)-->let's start calling Stephen, Scuba Steve. So boom, I'm now Scuba Steve and it has stuck till this very day. Now you're probably wondering where that extra 'e' came from at the end. Well a couple months later I was mention in the school news letter because I got 1st place in this writing competition thing, and when they made a typo and put an extra e at the end, so then on I was known as Scuba Stevee.

(rests hands) So when ever I sign up for a forum or whatever, I usually use Scuba Stevee. Ok I'm tired now -______-
A good story always starts at the end.
It was 7 pm on a saturday and my brain sparked alive with a idea. Pokephenom. Earlier that week I was a noob without a name but I wanted to be phenomanal and I played pokemon. SOOOOO! Pokemon+Phenomanal=? PokePhenom. Now I'm a noob with a name :D
Mine is a Pink Floyd song, Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast. I'd post a link to YouTube but greedy EMI took down videos of the official album version. All that's left are horrible live versions.
Well, Crystal the Umbreon is one of my pokemon Ocs and is my first Oc that I ever created, so crystaltheumbreon is my Username!