The reason for your username?

Okay, okay. This will dig deep into the past of PB. So, a long time ago in 2010, 6 days defore Halloween, I wanted to find a Pokemon forum. I found this. Y'know how when you are 10 years old and you make riduculous names for everything? Well, Robot3300 was one of them.

A: I like robots

B: 3300=I dunno
Here's the very long story of how I got my username, I loved Lucario since the day we first saw it in America. (the reason I say loved is because my current favorite pokemon is Tyranitar.) and because I've always watched paranormal shows since I was little I've heard the word "aura" quite a few times then one day when I was looking at Lucario's info on Bulbapedia I noticed that Lucario was classified as "the aura pokemon" or something similar to that, so when I decided to create an account here on the forums I kinda ripped off from Star wars's motto (I'd say but I don't want to get sued by George Lucas! Lol :D) and that's how I got my username.
I wish I could change it to Punchies!! (my Tyranitar's nickname) but sadly I don't think there's a change username function.
My friend made this name for me a few years back, when he was showing me another pokemon rpg site or something, and it's just stuck.

I'm pokymon99 on sites where Pokemon99 is taken though... :(
I think this more belongs here because it isn't really feedback for the actual Website/Forum.

I always have loved dragon Pokemon and am an expert at using them.

If name changes were brought back, I'd switch to Arceus though because that is what I am known as on the chat and Pokemon Online. It also goes with my own immortality.:p
Well, mine is simple. My starter on black version was a shiny Tepig (now Emboar) and then on route 11 I found a shiny Bisharp. They are both blue, so BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp was born. Tada! :p
Mine's fairly easy. My favorite Pokémon is Scizor (because it's awesome like that)... so when I joined Pokébeach, I wanted to have a Scizor-related username, but also wanted it to be unique. After about 5 minutes of tinkering with ideas... Scizorliscious was born. I still like it, but I think I would make the first 'S' lowercase if I could change it.
Umbreon/Espeon said:
Umbreon and Espeon were my first Pokemon ever.
I'm guessing you didn't get into the games until Pokemon Colosseum since you start with those two Pokemon in that game.
Yeah. When I was 5 my friend gave me Pokemon Colosseum. I didn't start playing the handheld games until I was 7. BTW my Umbreon is now lv. 100. :D
Wouldn't you like to know? ;)

Contrary to popular belief, CMP does not stand for "Cooking My Pancakes" (although I use that in the chat when I'm away now, thanks to sb!) or "Come, My Ponies" (I believe DNA is responsible for that one). I've revealed, unintentionally, what the P actually stands for once in the Skype chat. I don't think anyone caught it though!
"FlamingDriscoll" is what I call a cinnamon roll. '09 is the year I got my PokeBeach name change.
Haha, since mine actually has a story, I'll post.
When I joined the forums, I was into wearing a pair of 3-D glasses hanging from the collar of my shirt. The old-fashioned, red-and-blue kind, not the "REAL3D" kind. Anyway, since I figure that humans already see in 3-D, if you add 3-D to 3-D, well, 3+3=6. Hence, 6-Dimension.
I chose shampoo-thief because I figured no one else would have it. Plus it is kind of funny and different. Although when I made it, I didn't realize I could put a space in my user name, thus the "-"

I've used Shampoo-thief before, for my Aim and what not. But I think this is the only site now-a-days that I use it on.
Spoink is my favorite Pokemon. I added an exclamation point because without it, it's a Pokemon name alone and I didn't want that.