The reason for your username?

CMP said:
Scizorliscious said:
@CMP: I still think it's "cooking my pancakes."

Haha nope. I can 100% guarantee it.

So it's not "Curry Meow Poop" either?

(sorry if that sounds stupis I was just trying to think of something more forum appropriate.)
First Username=pkmaster342. Idk, I was young. The numbers were random, I liked pokemon. :F
Second Username=d master342. I liked playing with the delta card series, constantly building delta decks for anybody that remembers them.
Current Username=dmaster. I liked the shortening and getting rid of the stupid numbers. Still the deltamaster. ;)

dmaster out.
CMP said:
Wouldn't you like to know? ;)

Contrary to popular belief, CMP does not stand for "Cooking My Pancakes" (although I use that in the chat when I'm away now, thanks to sb!) or "Come, My Ponies" (I believe DNA is responsible for that one). I've revealed, unintentionally, what the P actually stands for once in the Skype chat. I don't think anyone caught it though!
Maybe it's his initials! *Squints suspiciously*
Funny thing is that My VGC shiny umbreon was the BEST at pokemon Heartgold Version and White Version. So I used it instead of Jolteon and fell in love with it forever. The key is to have a Umbreon with good defence and a healing move to win any battle! (And a decent move pool.)
And If I changed my team abit in the Nats. I would've got'n a good score/place with my newly found shiny umbreon...
Used to use Rhyperior Level X with Machamp Stormfront. Loved how Rhyperior could do a Knock Out with Drawing the the top five cards and doing 50 damage per energy. Also great for returning energy to your deck. Risky draws though. And Machamp with "Take Out" is awesome is goes with that fighting deck. All has changed now but I still stick with Fighting Types for the most part! like the "Strength"!
In my endeavours to join a forum, community, or website, I would always be taunted by the jeering red scrawl on my screen after attempting to choose a username...

This username is already taken. Choose another username or select one from the list below:


I always chose an existing username by accident, at least once. In certain circumstances, it would take me five to ten minutes to experiment with plausible usernames. I do not like numbers in my usernames, so it would take quite a while to create a useable moniker. I became listless after countless attempts, and thus created a username almost guaranteed to be available – Unique Username. This would ensure that I had a...well, a unique username ;)
I was spittballing in the first day of my Platinum cartridge. I just beat Roark, and thought at that rate I'd never beat the game, since I had no game changers. So I tried out Shinx, to see if rapidly switching it in would 'Intimidate' the opponent until it had sucky attack. Well it got trained, and I used it regularly. The highest level I've ever gotton a Pokemon to is my Luxray(It's currently 89, I believe. I have a Venasaur a 88. :p but I lost the cartridge, :( ). I had it win most of the contests too. So I realized that Luxray was absolute Beast.

But then when I started looking at ways to improve myself at games, the internet was showing absolute horror. They say Luxray sucks. (I'm lookin' at you, DNA and Hatman D: ) Well I thought I could Hypnotize you into thinking it's beast. And so a HypnoticLuxray was born.
My username is my name. So original right? xD I don't like being named after a season though. Jokes get annoying after a while lol.
Mine is pretty simple. Yoshi is my favorite Mario character, I'm a dude, and I joined in 2010, hence the name:

I came to this website for help on my deck which was Gardevoir PT/Flygon RR, hence the name Gardegon
Mines very easy to figure out. I love Snivy and my favorite number is 5. So I chose Sniylover555. (mind=blown) :p
Unique Username said:
In my endeavours to join a forum, community, or website, I would always be taunted by the jeering red scrawl on my screen after attempting to choose a username...

This username is already taken. Choose another username or select one from the list below:


I always chose an existing username by accident, at least once. In certain circumstances, it would take me five to ten minutes to experiment with plausible usernames. I do not like numbers in my usernames, so it would take quite a while to create a useable moniker. I became listless after countless attempts, and thus created a username almost guaranteed to be available – Unique Username. This would ensure that I had a...well, a unique username ;)

I thought it was because your name was Unique(pronounced Yooneekwuh)

Arceus is the Alpha Pokemon and creator of the universe, so a Shadow Arceus would be the Omega Pokemon and destroyer of the universe...I thought it was cool at the time, but quickly wanted a name change.
When I started I was the biggest Pokemon n00b the world had ever seen. I don't think anyone remembers it because it was a few years ago, but I put the most random Pokemon together and called it a deck. No synergy, no strategy, not too much power. I hastily joined Pokebeach after lurking for a while. While in the process I had no idea for a username. I looked to a Rhyperior which I wanted to use and saw the attack Rock Wrecker. That's how I came up with this great username :/
zenith (ZEE-nith) [ZEN-ith (Br.)]

1. the point on the celestial sphere vertically above a given position or observer. Compare nadir.
2. a highest point or state; culmination.

Old username was Lord Ryu; "ryu" is a romanization of the Japanese word for dragon. The Lord was added to distinguish myself from others with the username Ryu.

Other names are Sigrun (a Valkyrie from Norse mythology), Nadir (the point opposite the zenith in the celestial sphere), Sarachiel (reference to traditional angelic naming schemes in Judeo-Christian mythology), Twilight Sparkle (THE BEST PONY).
I have several usernames floating out in my long travels in cyber space. I go by Hitokiri, LostVoice, VenustheDesertBloom, VenustheEverwilt, DarkDay, etc.

The one I use most on various forums, some of which I moderated at was Hitokiri. That username has been used by for at least 7 years. Hitokiri is from a old anime I liked called Rurouni Kenshin. It basically translates into: an assassin who strikes by the sword". Basically.

Any other of my usernames are from lyrics I have wrote. LostVoice came from a set of lyrics I wrote where the person loses his voice from which the voice takes its own personification. I agree with Unique Username that I dislike adding numbers to my username. I like it to be unique, creative, and symbolic to me.
Well, I just got done playing Pokemon Colosseum, and I thought the ShadowLugia was interesting. So yeah. I'm kinda regretful I went with such a N00bish username, but it sticks quite well nowadays. I also go by Shadow, Shadow-L, or Lugia, all of which have a nice ring to them.