In Emerald the RNG jumps frames about sixty times every second, so going in cold to RNG a particular Pokémon can be pretty difficult without a fair bit of practice. That being said, at least for wild Pokémon, using a Synchronizer helps immensely, because 50% of the time, depending on the particular instance, the RNG will skip up to a frame that matches your Synchronizer's nature – every frame in Emerald is set in stone and constant for all games (hence their dependent on a particular time after starting the game), so the RNG should usually hit your target if you're slightly under (we're still talking tenths to hundredths of a second though), rather than duplicating a particular frame with the desired nature, as is the case in 4th Gen abuse. 5th Gen abuse is completely different because of the separation of the MTIV and PID RNGs. Personally I'd say Emerald abuse is actually much easier in that scenario because there are less variables complicating the process; I've gotten shinies in one try before using the correct-nature Synchronizer. Unless you want a particular nature or set of IVs, it could take under a few minutes to find a good shiny frame, and without shininess it can be even shorter.