Hi everyone, I'm new to RNG and nothing is going right until now. It's hard to find a Q&A topic, I found this one. Hopefully someone will help me out.
1. I live in Portugal, does that mean that mine is an English game?
2. If 1. is correct, then... I got my SID on pokecheck, is that reliable?
3. If so, when I'm calibrating I get different results when it comes to Timer0, that's okay because on a youtube guide I watched it says the number may vary and advices us to keep calibrating until we find one that's more consistent. Did that, sometimes I didn't find anything. My most consistent timer is C80, is it safe to use that one on the parameters?
4. And the most frustrating one that keeps me stuck (if it isn't 1!

), I choose an IV spread, load the game at the time and date the rng reporter tells me to, because I'm still trying to do my first successful RNG abuse I picked something with a max frame of 1, so I turn the game, don't press any buttons (like it tells me to), sweet scent, catch the pokémon and bam! Completely random pokémon with random IVs. What's happening here? ._.
I've been reading guides and watching youtube guides repeatedly to find if I'm missing something, but I don't think I am.
Many thanks in advance