DPPt/HGSS The Scammers and Shady Battlers Thread

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Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Get robbed? Someone d/c on you? Post in this thread.


If you get ripped off in a deal, post their name and friend code here. If they're a member of these forums, link to their profile.

Since you can see everything that goes on in the trade window, this should only happen if you trade for an egg. If what pops out of the egg isn't what you agreed to, you just got scammed and you need to post in this thread.

To avoid trading with this person, put their friend code into your game and name them "SCAMMER" or something so you know it's them.


If you're going to lose the battle, take the loss like a man. Disconnecting (d/cing) so you don't get a loss on your record is a shady thing to do. No one likes to fight against a guy who's just gonna wuss out and d/c right when he's about to lose.

If you fight someone who disconnects against you, for any reason, post their name and friend code here.

Everyone else, if you would like to avoid fighting these wastes of time, put their friend code into your game and name them "D/C" or something like that so you know it's them and can avoid them.

The List

(none so far, let's hope it stays that way)

(none so far, let's hope it stays that way)
Congratulations for making this thread PMJ! :)
But I do have a question: What if someone's DS runs out of power, etc.? And they Auto-D/C?
Good question.

I think that this is highly unlikely. If a person is going to fight you with a DS that's near death, that's pretty irresponsible because they know that they might lose power in the middle of their match.

I say too bad. There's no way to know if they really did lose power or wussed out, and I'm personally not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Doing so would defeat the whole purpose of this thread.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say it before, but if anyone has any comments or other questions, they can post here, too.
I have learned that Texasmaster2 is a disconnector via my Official Sinnoh League. Vareth brought it to my attention, since it is against the rules of the league.

Edit: Yes, finally a Scammer/Disconnector Thread! :)
what if you someone is like a 7 year old and ther mom tells the son to have dinner what would u do turn it off or wait?
Any respectable seven-year-old would know when and when not to pick a fight, especially so close to dinnertime. :p
yeah, when mommy tells me it´s bed time, i never challege anybody...(the really bad part of this its that i´m 23)

actually i had troubleshoting but trading, not fighting...i never knew if it was my fault or not...
Good idea for a good thread :p

I will start WiFi'ing soon...So if I ever find a DC'er or Scammer then I will report it here *insert happy Blissey jumping up and down here*
cool said:
what if you someone is like a 7 year old and ther mom tells the son to have dinner what would u do turn it off or wait?

umm dont you have to be like 13 to post on this forum anyway???
just saying becuase i know that some forums that way.
Laaver- nope.....its open to everybody!

PMJ- Lookin good so far.....heres my question. Can you put someone on the Ripper list if they offer way rip trades.....heres why Im asking. I know a couple people who wanna trade something stupid for lets say all your shinys or Arceus or something like that. I dont think that should be tolerated even if I just say no.....its basically just SPAMMING. Espically if you have a thread looking for a specific pokemon/item and someone says I have it give me all your shinys. I just think that person shouldnt be able to just walk right on la-dee-da without something happening. LMK
Well, my policy is, if the Pokemon the other person wants is cloned, then they can offer anything they want for it (since I have filled the entire National Dex (except Arceus, Shaymin, and Darkrai)). If they have a Darkrai, Shaymin, or Arceus, and if they want to, they can trade it to me. I just don't want someone to want one of my Shinies, Legendaries, etc., and they have to trade their beloved Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, for it.
well, i believe that anyone can ask for whatever they want...cuz it´s a rip off only if there´s somebody that dumb to give all they have for it...
Like the idea of the thread but in disconection issue it was a lots of factors to get an accidetal disconection, the acces point suffer a soft reset, the signal becom weak, someone use a bluetooth signal near (yes wi-fi get interferenced whit bluetooth signals), so what to do in that cases
what if you someone is like a 7 year old and ther mom tells the son to have dinner what would u do turn it off or wait?
-You could just run from the match. That would be a respectable and quick way of ending the battle (if both players run, then the match is a tie, just to let you know...)

Like the idea of the thread but in disconection issue it was a lots of factors to get an accidetal disconection, the acces point suffer a soft reset, the signal becom weak, someone use a bluetooth signal near (yes wi-fi get interferenced whit bluetooth signals), so what to do in that cases

If your connection seems to always be bad, then let your opponents know before-hand. I'd reccomend only getting on the WFC if you know that no one around you will be using bluetooth signals. That, or be really close to the source of the Wi-Fi signals.
Black Rayquaza said:
Laaver- nope.....its open to everybody!

PMJ- Lookin good so far.....heres my question. Can you put someone on the Ripper list if they offer way rip trades.....heres why Im asking. I know a couple people who wanna trade something stupid for lets say all your shinys or Arceus or something like that. I dont think that should be tolerated even if I just say no.....its basically just SPAMMING. Espically if you have a thread looking for a specific pokemon/item and someone says I have it give me all your shinys. I just think that person shouldnt be able to just walk right on la-dee-da without something happening. LMK
finally someone else i am getting mad with this someone
ask me for all my shiny just for a shiny mewtwo and another
want your Arceus!
Hand it over when you value your life!
and i posted on my first pg that i will not trade it these people are
annoying to me and others
Yes, becaue people here are sometimes to dumb to know that giving an Shiny Arceus for a Magicarp is not fair, we should protect them from such mistakes by banning everyone who asks for it.
If someone offers you a deal where you would obviously get ripped off, just tell them no. If they persist even after asking them not to, report them.

Here's 2 good ways to not get scammed:

- If at all possible, don't trade for an egg. Since it is possible to lie about what's inside an egg, it is at your own risk that you trade for an egg. If the person did lie about what was in the egg, post in this topic with their username and friend code.

- Avoid "my 1 for your 2" deals. That's a good way to get robbed. If someone says "I'll give you my shiny Deoxys for your level 100 Mewtwo and level 40 Pidgeot," give up the Pidgeot first - it's much more common than any Mewtwo. If they insist on you trading over your rarer Pokemon first, and will not under any circumstances take the more common one, don't just give in - you'll probably get robbed. Instead, tell them to take a hike, count your losses, and move on. You may not have what you're looking for yet, but at least you didn't get your rare Pokemon stolen.
Should we report people who said that they had legit pokemon but were obviously not?
Because mrshaun 07 traded me a lvl 3 shiny sudowoodo that was in a master ball and it was transfered from Hoenn. This was obviously cheated but he said it was legit.
Shiny Squirtle said:
Should we report people who said that they had legit pokemon but were obviously not?
Because mrshaun 07 traded me a lvl 3 shiny sudowoodo that was in a master ball and it was transfered from Hoenn. This was obviously cheated but he said it was legit.

Yes, I have reason to believe that the person by the name of h.d.v.b. gave me a cheated Shaymin when I asked him if it was legit and he said yes. The Shaymin has the name "Shaymin" (obviously not Japenese), it said it was caught in "Flower Paradise" (the Japanese translation is "Flower Elypsum"(or something like that)), and it's original trainer is: BJ, not a Japanese Player's name. Since all this is in English (especially the "Flower Paradise" and BJ) it is more than likely fake. Also since you can only get Shaymin in Japan right now, and it was caught in the "Flower Paradise", well.....
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