RE: The Fifth Gen Questions and Answers Thread
Hi Guys, I was told by a moderator to post in this thread, so I will copy my post here:
This happen to anyone else before? Any insight?
Hi Guys, I was told by a moderator to post in this thread, so I will copy my post here:
So, I got Gothorita and the c-gear skins thanks to the passwords thread on this forum. I also pulled down a Sawk from dream world. I played through to Virbank Complex, completed the habitat list, got my master balls and battled the 3 workers. I went back up to the pokecenter, healed and then saved. Shut down for the night.
This morning, I boot up, and I'm all the way back to where Cheren shows you what the tall dark grass means and your rival goes and hides in the grass. Poof. All that progress gone. Not sure what to do now. I saved plenty of times since then (especially since Game Sync FORCES you to save). I don't think there's a way to get Gothorita again since I already redeemed the password. Is that pokemon just lost to me now? I was going to try to Game Sync again but didn't want to save and potentially do MORE damage.
This happen to anyone else before? Any insight?