BW/BW2 The Simple 5th Gen VG Questions and Answers Thread

RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread logged into the JPN Dream World site with your account, and now you're trying to log into the US Dream World site with the same account, but couldn't? Is that what you are saying?
(I wish to understand before I answer the question)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I did add my GS ID and sent my Samurott to the dream world
The E-Traffic is quiet what is the problem!!
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Good news. Well, decent news. I emailed support, seeing if this was a known issue. Turns out, it is. Here's the quote:

Pokemon Support Team said:
Unfortunately, the “Processing Registration Data” issue that you’re experiencing is a known issue and has been reported to the Pokémon Global Link development team. They are working hard to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We have created an FAQ article about this subject, and suggest that you subscribe to the article to receive automatic updates about this issue.

The article can be found here: Processing Registration Data issue

To subscribe to this topic, please log in to the support portal, and navigate to the article. You'll see a "subscribe" link on the right hand side of the article. Click that and you'll see a confirmation window at the bottom of the page that will confirm the email address that the updates will be sent to.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by any issues you've been experiencing, including potentially extreme wait times for your registration information to process, and we thank you for your patience while the team works to resolve the issue.


Pokémon Support Team

Edit: I just noticed that PMJ already posted this in another thread. Oops. >.< Well, quotes are always nice.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I already read that but thank you for trying to help me out.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Does using the Entralink to go to connect to other people's White Forests and Black Cities work via your Pal Pad, or like the GTS or what? As in, I can only visit the people whose friend codes I have, or can I visit some random person? I don't really care either way. Lol

I may need some more friends. Hehe
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

You can visit random people, or at least as random as it gets when it's over local wireless. Wi-Fi isn't an option. :(
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Soooo...that means it'll only look for people in a certain mile radius? :-/
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Oh. My. Gosh. Yeah that's not happening. I guess we need a PokeBeach get-together. LOL

I'll have to get my friend then, cause I don't know anyone in my neighborhood that has this game. Yeesh.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Hatman said:
Or just go to Regionals :p There'll be TONS of people there.

I'm not familiar with that. Until this generation, I've basically played the games by myself and with a few immediate friends. When/where might that be?

mlouden03 said:
or just have 2 ds's and a copy of both black and white..problem solved :p

Ha! I suppose so... :p
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Regionals = Pokemon TCG Regional Championships. Although you may not play TCG yourself, a lot of people will also be bringing their B/W games and will have their C-Gears on pretty much all day.
Use this to find the Regionals nearest you. It's this Saturday (the 16th).
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Ok, this one is regarding the Global Link. It seems that its possible to send as many as ten Pokemon from the Dream World to the Entralink, but any time that I've tried, I was only able to send one. So if it is possible to send more, how is it done?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Hehe I asked the same question in the GL thread. I'd like to know as well!
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Is the whole, you can only access the Dream World, only 1 hour everyday, and it's the hour you choose thing, going to change? Because 1 hour out of 14 hours a day is pretty stupid, I know it's because of all the people accessing it, but can you only access it during the same hour everyday? And is it permanent or it is only temporary?

Edit: And I couldn't get back into the game sync because it said something along the lines of it had enough for today, so I couldn't get into it after capturing a Pokemon, but I still had time left according to the Dream World Website,
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Hey, so I'm trying to get a Hydreigon with Dark Pulse, but I don't have a Gen 4 game to switch something from. Everyone keeps saying that the only way is to transfer a TMed Seviper or such from Gen 4 to B/W. However, would it work if you breed Mandibuzz @ LV. 46+ with Altaria, then breed with Hydreigon?

Or can Altaria not learn Dark Pulse?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I don't think Altaria can learn Dark Pulse. Generally, if Bulbapedia says that something can only be taught a move through breeding by certain Pokemon, then it's true. If you truly need Dark Pulse, though (and have Wi-Fi), PM me and I can get you an Ekans with Dark Pulse. The TM is buyable, so there's no worries there, and I actually need one of them for my Hydreigon.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Brought over from a different thread. :)

dmaster said:
I release the Pokemon with bad Natures that I don't want. I want to at least keep the other ones around to see if their IVs are any good enough to keep.

dmaster out.

What do you determine is a "bad nature"?