I'm kind of growing attached to all of them best I'm think about water otter.
I know he looks kind of lame now but I'm guessing (and praying) he'll end up having the most awesome final evolution ever! 
x598 said:---Warning---Warning---
this is completely of topic:
Although tsutaja is classifies as the "grass snake pokemon" I still believe that its won't turn out much like a snake. After all, we can't forget that it has legs and snakes don't
x598 said:---Warning---Warning---
this is completely of topic:
Although tsutaja is classifies as the "grass snake pokemon" I still believe that its won't turn out much like a snake. After all, we can't forget that it has legs and snakes don't
Wolf616 said:I'm definitely getting pokabu.I love pigs. I hope it will evolve into something nice... and I hope people will eventually stop making roasted pork jokes.
Monster D said:Well everyone wants the grass starter so I don't want it. i want bboth th fire and water.
sturtle said:I don't want the grass starter. I want Pokabu. How could make an assumption like that? Darn you! Darn you to heck!
Just kidding. But there are a lot of people that don't want Tsataaja.
Yeah i will choose off of evos too. I just hope mijumaru's evo is not fat! lolSinRaven said:I will probably pick Tsutaja, unless the evolutions will convince me otherwise.
I like all three of them, but Tsutaja just has something the other two don't. Ha, it will be my first grass starter I guess. 1st gen was Squirtle, 2nd gen was Cyndaquil, 3rd was Torchic and 4th was Piplup. Can't wait!