Finally, a thread so I can get the bad things about my school off my chest!
Well, first of all, I have to get up 6:00 in the morning to get ready for school. Then, I have to get to the bus at
precisely 7:10 to catch it. I'm always picked on by the other kids on the bus so I sit alone most of the time, but I do have
one friend who is one of the most annoying people on the planet, so, I don't sit with her either. I go to middle school by the way, but I
hate it! As a 6th grader, I have block schedules, no recess, annoying and strict teachers,short lunches,and a whole
Lot of homework.

All in all, my school totally sucks.=P I can't wait to go to high school.I have two more years!=3 Edit: I also had a ridiculously hard Quarterly math exam today, I hope I get over 90, or else I'm in big trouble by my parents. O_O;