The Student Lounge Thread

Try waking up for the bus at 5:30. Not exactly a Picnic. Fortunately, my brain seems to have the ability to absorb spoken information while I'm drooling asleep on my desk. Oh yeah, I'm a Junior at 16. (I'm not worried about the internetz sending my age to the communists, lolz).
Most people I know wake up earlier than 6:20, including me. 6:20 really isn't bad...

I can actually manage to get all three of those done, mainly due to my reliance on my "high" IQ and last-minute cramming (only on the day before) to get through tests/exams and still generally get straight A's. I usually manage to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day, and if I don't get enough sleep on one day, I more than make up for it on the next. xD

I'm basically popular because I play a lot of sports, and you know how it is like when you do that. =P
I'm popular for very different reasons. Originally I was always answering questions, and use 'technical' words. I was bullied for my use of words. Then there was announcement about it, and it all stopped. However, it is really peculiar, but now if someone does something that is slightly offensive to me at all some other people jump and yell, "Don't bully Toby!" And yes. Toby is my name.

So, I'm popular for being clever too, but popular in a strange sort of way.
High School=10x better than Middle School.
Procrastination is both the best and the worst. At the same time.
My Bio teacher is ACTUALLY the best. Liek seriously.
Lunch being an hour long for us to go anywhere in the school we want is awesome. So much better than 20 minutes in Middle School.
Garbadghakd. 3:50, and I just got home from school. Yikes. I'm glad to have all of the stress I previously had last night lifted off of my shoulders- my art foundations grade/english grade was fixed, and my Chem test wasn't nearly as bad as I had first anticipated. Thank goodness.
School. It took me 4 HOURS to get home last night, because of the snow. It normally takes 2 hours. Mon dieu. But the work, for me, is easy. I'm an academic scholar, and A's and A*'s are my usual grades.
Finally, a thread so I can get the bad things about my school off my chest!:D

Well, first of all, I have to get up 6:00 in the morning to get ready for school. Then, I have to get to the bus at precisely 7:10 to catch it. I'm always picked on by the other kids on the bus so I sit alone most of the time, but I do have one friend who is one of the most annoying people on the planet, so, I don't sit with her either. I go to middle school by the way, but I hate it! As a 6th grader, I have block schedules, no recess, annoying and strict teachers,short lunches,and a whole Lot of homework.:( All in all, my school totally sucks.=P I can't wait to go to high school.I have two more years!=3 Edit: I also had a ridiculously hard Quarterly math exam today, I hope I get over 90, or else I'm in big trouble by my parents. O_O;
Eh, high school isn't all that much better, though. I miss middle school so dearly. In high school, you're constantly on the move, and it's WERK WERK WERK, however, it's not so tough so as long as you stay focused, keep positive, and avoid procrastination. It happens to everyone, but don't let it get to you! I learned the hard way :x
Haha, in England we have an hour and a half long lunch break, a half an hour break, start at 20 to 9 and finish at 4. However, it takes me 2 hours to get to school, then another 2 to get back.
The one problem about school that I have(besides having to get up at 6 and be a t school by 7) is how its all about the TAKS(Texas Assesment of Knowledge and Skills). Most teachers are only concerned about their students passing the test so they don't loose pay instead of learning. How did the No Child Left Behind get passed, anyway?
And my biology teacher is unqualified for teaching 9th grade. She gives us papers and doesn't tell us what they are or when they are due and expects us to read her mind.
Alvin and the Minezumis said:
Haha, in England we have an hour and a half long lunch break, a half an hour break, start at 20 to 9 and finish at 4.

OMG,Really? No fair!:( I don't have any breaks and my lunch is only like 20 minutes!
Got home from Extra help awhile ago. I got an 80 on my retake. Better than my old grade. Anyway, I wake up at like 6:15 and as soon as I finish my breakfest I sit on the floor under a blanket until 6:35 next to my dog. Warmest. Place. Evar.

@crystaltheumbreon I'm a 6th grader too! =D No recess isn't to bad. Study Hall is pretty nice because you literally have no homework. Also, quarterly math tests aren't to bad! I've had mine and got an A so far. Usually they're just a easy review. Strict and annoying teachers are really bad though. They literally try to make you fail.

I've been keeping a log of "Countdown To Christmas" in my assignmet pad to pass the time :/. Tommrow is Friday so thats the last day of the week =D.
palkia dialga clash said:
Strict and annoying teachers are really bad though. They literally try to make you fail.

Finally, someone who really agrees with me!:D I Hate strict and annoying teachers>=(! I have to be stuck with one for science And reading!:( Isn't that bad enough?! And, here in my school, some of the kids get to go to another teacher for science and reading who is A lot nicer and funny! That's not even fair!

Edit: @ palkia dialga clash: you're a 6th grader too? Awesome!=) I thought I was the only 6th grader here!
@palkia dialga clash: You prove a very valid point, LOL. This week has been flying by for me, academically. No stress, no worries, and I can look forward to dinner with friends at this beautiful Italian restaurant at my local plaza.
My lunch is 48 minutes like all of the other periods at my school, plus we have a 13 minute free for all, or Study Hall as our 3rd period, depending on your teacher.

Today in English we were finishing our Persuasive Essays. I had finished mine, and was sitting next to my two friends, one of them had yet to finish, but playing Tetris, the other was finishing. His 3rd paragraph was so funny (My school is a uniform school), he somehow wrote a paragraph about how uniforms are bad for your morals, it was probably the most random paragraph ever.
Tommrow we have to do this 51 page packet in Social Studies. Let me tell you, its longer than you think. Finishing ecology in science tommrow. Unit 2 is here so report card grades pretty much closed. I get the report cards soon so i'm kinda worried on what I might get. I know some grades but others i'm kinda iffy about. We have maybe a 30 minute lunch. Sad thing is for those who buy lunch, you usually have 15 minutes to eat or less. One time I had 4 minutes to eat a hotdog and potatoes =/ We have two lunch lines, but they make people go in 4s. Whats bad is even when people do get the chance to go, the teachers wait about an extra 10 seconds where you could be getting lunch and eating. In elementary it was fine letting no teacher watch over us so it wasen't crowded in the lunch room. =/

Trust me, my friends who go to a diffrent school literally have a teacher that swears at them. One time she yelled at my friend Neal, and he almost cried. So you know theres gotta be something wrong there.
We'll I'm a 10th grader. Schools ... well ... horrible for me. Not that I get picked on or anything. Just that I'm so very popular with teachers for
"being that kid who talks with that girl all the time"
My grades ain't that bad. 10 A's and 1 B on the report out of 11 subjects.
I have plenty of friends cool, nerdy , gifted , Geeky .. you name it I have that kind of a friend.
@SinnohTrainer17 - I have an hour and a half coach journey after leaving at 4 30, then get the train at six, and arrive home at about 6 15.