The Stupid Excuses Game!!

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What cookie? *snorlax munches on a cookie MUNCH MUNCH*

Guilty for having a picture of Palkia in your signature.
What can I say, I secretly like Care Bears. Lol.

Guilty of ruining your Japanese DP trying to get Darkrai and Shaymin.
My brother did it!  (If I had a dollar for every time I heard that....)  Also, any Care Bare movie should be rated R.

Guilty of breaking in to a museum.
My pet, um, Choclate, uh, Chupicabra did it!

Guilty of stealing Tony Hawks teashirt while hes wereing it!
The game is interactive, it blows up

Guilty for creating a bomb out a watermeleon and powered by old spark plugs
How was I supposed to know that pile had explosives, a water meleon and spark plugs when I triped and fell into it?

Stealing from charity.
wall dont blem ma i dint no who too speel.

Killing all the pokemon
between you and me.... he did it :D
but pokemon skins make great covers for us poor people

Guilty of getting a F on a multiple choice test with one question

1. how many pokemon are there?
A 493
B 493
C 493
D all of the above
I was told to tell the following joke:
A man walked into a bar. Ouch.

Guilty of making a bad advert.
how else am i supposed to talk to you guys, i tried screaming at the monatour, that didn't work but now people think i'm weared.

guilty of breaking your gamecube
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