The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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I channel all their power into a beam (that I throw) that vaporizes you. And anything in 1 kilometre diameter in a cirle. Yes, it's that big, you should have stuck to one Diagla.

BTW, throwing here means doing anything that incorporates having an object that leaves the person and goes somewhere else.
I used Palkia's subspace snowball w/ shuukaku and kyuubi and reset the game then load and disabled luster cannon
then used shadow drive
I load old data and I never said how close I was so I don't get hit and I teleport everyone into space and summon KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND. I teleport back to Dream Land.
I reset the game again then load it then I know you will go to dreamland so I let darkrai go there and let you have nightmares:D
I activate my trap card!Holy barrier mirror-force then save the game so you can't escape your destiny.then go to pokemon center
You get hit becuase I say you get hit. A beam a killometre wide isn't easy to miss with.

I detonate your game then launches a guided missle at you.
I throw Regigagas and eat all your missiles and punches porygon-z like a sitting duck.then put all nuclear bomb in there then go to beginning dimension
You you detonated the bomb that was attached to every friggen object in all dimenions. I rigged everything. Nice going.

Throws long-range headslap at you.
the punches and slaps don't made to me in time.I let snorlax take them then after that I use smogscreen(more powerful than smoke).then you can't see and poisoned:D
Channels toxins into my hands and send out dimensional bomb that rips apart space-time in all dimensions except this one. Ripping space time results in about 36 black holes the size of the sun.
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