The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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Unforetunately, Dream land has been destroyed by the Dimensinoal Bomb and thus you have landed on a black hole. I think throw a coughing fit from laughing so hard.
Restores it with Star Rod after saying "HEY where's my pillow. Afterwards I throw 1001 spiky Pillows at you with Flash blinding you. If you try to destroy tihem hey either divide or turn into Face huggers.:p
Throws a Makey at your vaporizer. Mankey has staring cotest withit (and loses of course)! Mankey then brakes the stupid thing and the 1001 spiky pillows are launched at you... but hit Mew, the star rod and dreamland instead.
Throws a bomb at it and runs. The explosion is 3x the radius and hits PPM too due to the gases. Then ressurects an Armaldo that weighs 9000000 tons. (It eats a lot and isn't fat).
Turns into gas get in our body and turn you into a soul cuts the chain of fate and turns you into a hollow from Bleach. (Hey you said I couldn't hurt you and I didint.):p:p
Regenerates.  You really should read about what I can do.

Traps you in nuclear orb.  Every second spent in there means about 1000 degrees of radiation.  You die in 5 seconds.

EDIT: Ding! Your 5 seconds are up, you die.
I posses your body, have you regenerate my body, then throws your body into a prison while I run to the other side of the Planet and goes to the future where you are dead. (again you said I couldn't hurt you so I just waited to die.)
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