I was a ghost after all and ghosts can posses people theoretically who cares about the rest. Meanwhile I throw a tracking device to see where you died to see that your still at the prison.
Bursts out of cement with nuclear detonation. The bomb would have had a warhead the size of an undersized pea. Think about how big a warhead the size of your head would be.
A chuck of cement whacks your on the head and your drop.
One other thing. If you touch me you get high-degree radiation burn.
I am in the Future Kicks it into Wall of deserted wallmart since it went out of business for making shops every mile to the mile and caused a store war between them which lead to it's collapse. Anyway the store explodes.[/size]
I'm just saying what I believe will happen.(Too many Wallmart's here in AZ.) I throw a stone into the past and it hits you in the ear.(The portal is gone.
Missed bit on how M1 teleported above me. (Hits self over head.) Teleports into future again and learns how to get eternal youth, Immortality and gets it and how to use powers of soul reapers, Ghosts and Dialga.