The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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I burnt the master ball to bits by throwing a fire ball! And my hired Tyranitar went crazy and started throwing boulders at freakysmiley!
Throws a Pokeball at Machamp.
Throws the pokeball at delta_storm which realese the Machamp.
The Machamp then uses mach punch to send delta_storm
I hide under my nuclear radiation and nuclear bomb shield straight after throwing a nuclear bomb at everyone who has posted so far.
I throw the Max Revive Jigglypuff13 gave me about 30 pages ago into my mouth, right as the bomb hits me.  I survive! I knew that thing would come in handy!  Then I go steal a Max Revive form Crazy Aipom's body and I pocket it.
I throw lots of Aipoms at Togeshroob!
Then they use Swift,Focus Punch,Furry Swipes,and Solorbeam!(on D,my aipom knows solorbeam)Then I kick Togeshroob
in the face a couple of times followed by a punch.
*takes back the max revive*
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