General The Totally Random Interesting Facts Thread

You know the age old and simple rule of physics where you can't create something from nothing? Well, lasers beg to differ, I forget when this was (asides from recently), but scientists basically used 2 REALLY powerful lasers, did a science thing to focus their energy on one spot...and created matter. However this was only a few atoms worth or so of matter. I believe the reason they created something from lasers was that enough energy in a concentrated spot will create matter. To give you some perspective on how powerful the lasers had to be to do this, (remember for only a few atoms or so) it would be like taking 2 death starts having them shoot at the same empty spot in space at the same time....and creating a small amount of breakfast that you would eat in about 5 minutes.
Well, they didn't create something from nothing; energy is still something. Einstein already theorized that matter could be turned into energy and was proved correct; it isn't a stretch that energy could be turned into matter. It does take an enormous amount of energy however, which is why it couldn't be done before.

So, don't worry, people, entropy is still intact, we won't die in a universe-spanning explosion any time soon.
Unless trump wins. All bets are off, then.
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You will be the last person to die in your lifetime.

Not really a fact, but more of a fun realisation: There are 5 people who have more posts on the Pokébeach forums than Water Pokémon Master, who created the forums.

The word "Ski" is Norweigan for "Piece of Wood". So my going skiing, you're really going piece-of-wood-ing.
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You know the internet slang "bae" where it is like your girlfriend or something? In Danish, Bae is poop.
This just in world peace just years away!
Note to mods wasn't sure if I should put this in the YLYL thread or this one as it is true, so I figured I would put it here with a funny comment.
There is a product called a "sqautty potty" that puts you in a squat position while taking a poop, and supposedly helps you poop.
Mother Teresa was actually a cold hearted evil woman. There are facts and evidence behind it if you look them up so forum mods don't ban me for posting this as I know it's controversial. And I know some of these seem crazy, but let me put it this way, there's video evidence of her protesting for the clemency of dictators....for multiple weeks.

Here's just SOME of the stuff I recently found out and you can again fact check.
She was friends with Duvaliers, Jean-Claude and Michelle, who ruled Haiti as a police state from 1971 until they were overthrown in a popular uprising in 1986.
(They looted the country of most of its national treasury when they fled.) She visited them in prison and praised them as "friends" of the poor and her testomony was shown on the state owned TV stations for weeks. She also for some reason visited the grave of communist dictator Enver Hoxha in 1990, laying a wreath of flowers on the tomb of a man who had viciously suppressed religion in Teresa’s native Albania. She told a terminal cancer patient that was in a LOT of pain as he was dying
“You are suffering like Christ on the cross. So Jesus must be kissing you.”...the guy then replied “Then please tell him to stop kissing me.” Aaand lastly her free health clinics always had less than bare basics, had to wash needles that had been used before and would not send people to the hospital when they clearly needed to be in one.....there have been multiple accounts of people testifying this in court.

In other news that does not make you want to punch something if you get porcupine needles stuck in you or your dog first cut them in half, like mid way up (this will alleviate pressure) then twist them a lot and SLOWLY pull them out as there are microscopic barbs at the end of them that are like the end of a fish hook, BUT MUCH WORSE. Oh and get them out as soon as possible as they bury into you the longer they are in there.

Other interesting facts, The U.S. and one other country I can't remember are the only two countries in the world that do not provide federal maternity leave of any kind. The penny costs 1.83 cents to make in metal, and if the U.S. eliminates the penny as a currency you would then be legally allowed to smelt your pennies down and make nearly 2 cents per penny in raw metal.
The credits to the Star Wars movies with Jabba the Hutt in them shows Jabba the Hutt as being played by himself.

There's a Toaster, Foot Massager, and inflatable lifeboat in the phantom menace.

"I have a bad feeling about this" is a phrase that has been used in the first six star wars movies - let's see if it's in The Force Awakens!

Tupac Shakur auditioned to play Mace Windu but didn't get the part.

Greedo speaks Quecha, a south american language spoken in the andes mountains.
That "old person smell" is caused by an actual chemical that older people secrete out of their skin, 2-nonenal.
Mickey Mouse was originally referred to as Mortimer Mouse, but Walt Disney's wife, Lillian disliked the name and suggested Mickey instead, and the rest is history.
Manila envelopes are named for the capital of the Philippines, where the banana the hemp is derived from orignated.
The ability to see red is linked to the X chromosome, and since women have two, women can see more shades of red than men.
Airplane black boxes are actually usually orange in order to be found faster.
Congress just passed a ban on micro beads, those tiny bits of whatever found in soap and hair products. They are getting banned because they go through pretty much every water filter due to their tiny size and attract chemicals to them and by the time they end up in the ocean they are pills of death and chemicals...that are then eaten by fish.
Watch how garland is made with this cool video.

And in other news the Moon moves 1-2 inches away from the Earth each year, scientists believe its moving towards Mars.
You know how we all have cords where there's waay too much middle cord as it's stupidly long? Save your vitamin bottles, seriously, just remove the lid and put in some of the long middle part until it's shortened to the desired length.

Note to mods I don't know if this should be in a new thread for life hacks, or if I should just put them here.
Alfred Hitchcock never won an Oscar.
While the O blood type is often referred to as the "universal donor", it is specifically O negative blood that can be given to anyone. O positive blood can only be given to positive recipients.
Africa is the only continent to have land in all 4 hemispheres and crossing both the Equator and the Prime Meridian.
Putting birthday candles on a cake can be traced back to the Ancient Greeks, who often burned candles as offerings to gods and goddesses.
Experts predict that by 2020, chocolate will be a scarce luxury. :,(
While just 1.36% of U.S. babies born in 2012 entered the world at home, about 95% were born at home in 1900.
If there were a Pokemon that was a combination of all 18 possible types, it would still be vulnerable to Rock-type attacks.
Around 11 gallons of water is needed in the production of a single slice of bread.
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There is a phenomenon in relativistic time known as 'time dilation'. This basically means that time is not absolute and the relative difference in time is based on relative velocities and/or relative magnitude of gravitational field strength. Time passes more slowly for fast-moving objects than slow moving ones. Some consequences of time dilation include:

  • The decay time of a slow moving muon is approximately 2.2 µs, however the decay time of a muon produced in a cosmic ray collision (travelling at about 98% of C) is much higher, at approximately 64 µs.
  • If we were able to make a spacecraft that could travel at velocities near to C, we would be able to traverse vast interstellar distances within the scope of a human lifetime without the need for cryogenic stasis or a multigenerational crew. However, by the time you return to the Earth, millions or even billions of years would have passed for the Earth.
  • GPS satellites constantly have to be recalibrated, since they lose about 38 µs per day. Otherwise this small change could accumulate and lead to major accuracy problems.
  • The world record for time travel is held by Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev, who has spent over 800 days in orbit of the Earth. It is estimated that he has travelled 0.02 seconds into the future.
Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln had the same exact birthday: February 12, 1809.

A gallon of room temperature water weighs about 8.34 lb, or 3.78 kg.

Spaghetti and fettuccine are both noodles and pasta. Rice noodles like ramen are noodles but not pasta. All noodles are pasta, all pastas are not noodles.
If you're in space long enough and then go back to earth the calluses on your feet will fall off due to something something science. In the words of the commercial for Adipose, the calluses just walk away.

Due to oil prices droppig so much fracking may become obsolete due to it being unprofitable, and thus causing less earthquakes on a daily basis in many states in the US.
When the earth was young (About 100 million years old lol) it actually collided with another planet called Theia. The earth may still have remnants of this collision beneath the surface. The collision with earth shattered the planet Theia, The moon was created from its debris. This is according to some giant impact hypothesis. Which was formed by scientists in california.