BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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Need Timid Zapdos w/ Good IVs maybe decent HP.

Will trade whatever you want (Have like 23 pokes I bred for my Nationals/Worlds team all w/ great IVs, HPs, Moves) Will Breed, EV train whatever you want if you're into that too. I NEED a Timid Zapdos before Worlds!!!

Thank you.

Please Email me at [email protected] if you are interested (it's the fastest way to get to me. ;D{L}
Joeypals!! said:
Why does it need to be timid, even though I'm not giving you one. Sorry.

Max speed usually beats max attack in my experience. BTW if someone doesn't HAVE one, but knows where I can get one, I'm new here, please direct me. Thank you.
Joeypals!! said:
I'm sure if you ask around in this forum you can find one.


BTW I forgot to mention I need it to be L50 or lower (Worlds Rules)

So AGAIN that's... L50 Zapdos Timid Good IVs/Hidden Power Untrained or 252 Satk, 252 Spd.

Thaaaaaanks ^.6 and remember reply at [email protected]

WOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!1!!!11!!! Just got a near flawless legit RNG abused one!!!! Just wanted to let y'all know so I don't get needless emails. Thanks to anyone who was interested!
ok i have a long list that i got from gts all need to tread to a good home 1 shiny deoxys lvl 100 mild nature ,2 lvl 30 deoxys relaxed,jolly nature ,shiny Palkia lvl 70 quiet nature, 2 GIRATINA lvl47 relaxed,quirky nature, enti lvl 50, 79, 100, gental, naughty, docile, 3 Raikou lvl 55,40,50 Calm, hardy, calm nature 2 suicune lvl 40, 53 brave, modest nature 4 ho-oh lvl 70, 100, 70, 70 bashful, hardy, adamant, hardy nature 2 lugia lvl 70,70 lax, hardy 3 mewtwo 1 nick named zeus lvl 86 71 82 hardy, sassy, naive nature 1 shiney mew lvl100 nature impish nature 2 mews lvl100 adamant naive 3 celebi lvl 34, 42, 100 bold impish relaxed 1 azelf lvl 50 careful nature 1 lucario lvl 100 relaxed nature 2 latias lvl 40 impish Bold nature 2 latios lvl 40 70 lonely lonely nature articuno lvl 61 quite nature maniphy lvl 1 1 calm quite nature

im asking for legit shiny pokemon
I am looking for two Shoko-tan's Pikachu-coloured Pichu. I am offering six Pokemon for them. This Pichu must be legit.

I Can Offer
Shiny Luvdisc Level 26 UT (Sassy, Heart Scale)
Lugia from Distant land Level 50 (Modest)
EV Trained Tyranitar Level 100 (Adamant)
EV Trained Metagross Level 54 (Brave)
EV Trained Ludicolo Level 50 (Modest)
EV Trained Typhlosion Level 50 (Modest)
EV Trained Electabuzz Level 39 (Adamant)
Gardevoir Level 100 (Mild)
Metagross Level 100 (Gentle)
Empoleon Level 100 (Gentle)
Charizard Level 100 (Bold)
Arcanine Level 100 (Adamant)
Electivire Level 100 (Lonely, Earthquake, Thunder, Fire, Ice Punch)
Sceptile Level 100 (Lonely)
Flygon Level 100 (Hardy)
Lucario Level 100 (Lax)
Blissey Level 100 (Quiet)
Octillery Level 100 (Rash)
Ambipom Level 100 (Careful, Pickup)
Dodrio Level 100 (Sassy)
Eevee with Wish Level 1 (Modest)
Cresselia Level 50 UT (Bold)
Japanese Ditto UT (Any Nature)
Japanese Azelf UT (Serious)
Japanese Dialga Level 53 (Rash)
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