BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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@Jack: Sure. I will be in the room in a minute.

@Joey: sorry, I can't unless we trade and tradeback so I get it in my pokedex.

edit reason: got ninja'd, edited for clarity.
Can you give me about 20 minutes? I need to breed it for a replacement. Apparently, twice for the both of you...
@Joey: I would give it back to you as soon as I got it. You don't need to breed it for me.
What I meant was both of you want to trade me a Probopass for something like Ho-oh, and I only have one, so I need two eggs, one for evolution and the other for replacement. Busy, busy, busy...
I don't have a Probopass. For a list of my haves check out my thread. The link is in my sig. Sorry, but I am going offline now. My body wants me to go to sleep.
Hi guys, I am looking for a Female Snorunt, or a Froslass. PM me if you have one; this thread gets a little too crowded.
I'm sorry for the double post, but does anyone want to trade me a Phione for one of the following:
- Lugia
- Ho-oh
- Mew
- Deoxys
- Jirachi
- Three tigers
I will trade a starter for the following:
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Chikorita
- Cyndiquil
- Totodile
Thank you if you trade.
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