BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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Looking for a LEGIT (Kanto or Colosseum 1) SHINY Entai....plz PM me if anyone happens to have one.
Also looking for: Kanto Shiny Birds (can be from XD).
does anyone macho brace that i can have that they can clone for me
I have a power anklet that i want to trade for a power lens. anyone?
I also take other offers that are worth the same effort. also willing to trade it for a petaya berry
zwelgbelg said:
I have a power anklet that I want to trade for a power lens. anyone?
I also take other offers that are worth the same effort. also willing to trade it for a petaya berry

i have a power lens
what will you trade for it:p
Does anyone have any of these events for trade?:)

PCNY Aggron
PCNY Altaria
PCNY Wailord
PCNY Exploud
PCNY Cacturne
All PCNY Pokemon including the ones I have listed already and the special Pokemon Center Pokemon as well too.
JEREMY Shelder
JEREMY Sandshrew
JEREMY Slopoke
Gotta Catch Em All Delibird
Gotta Catch Em All Murkrow
Deoxys Almia
Gotta Catch Em All Snubble
Minun Gotta Catch em All
Sunkern Gotta catch em All
Kangaskhan Gotta Catch Em All
Roselia Gotta Catch Em Al
Teddiursa Gotta Catch Em All
All of the Gotta Catch Em All Pokemon besides the ones that I have and listed already.
JBHF Manaphy
Faraway Island Mew
Naval Rock Ho-oh
Mitsurin Celebi
Birth Island Deoxys
Naval Rock Ho-oh
Pokemon Ranger: Manaphy egg
MT. Battle Ho-oh
Hadou Mew
Hadou Regirovk
Hadou Regice
Hadou Registeel
Egakan Darkrai
Egakan Shaymin
All 3 Batonnage Pokemon Ranger Pokemon Both in English and Japanese
All Pokefsta Events
All Pokemon Colosseum/PBR events (Japan)
All Pokepark events (Japan)&(Taiwan)
All My Pokemon Ranch Pokemon. (U.S.)&(Japan)
PBR Magmotar (I thought I had this but I don't)
Red Metagross
VGC09 Weavile
Any other event I may have missed
All Bryant Park Pokemon except the ones I have already
All Pokemon Day 2006 Pokemon (UK/ France/Italy/Spain/Germany)
Red and Green Pichu or the egg

I have an EVd PKTOPIA Magmortar if you are interested.

I can breed a Modest natured Bagon with great IVs and Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance for somebody. And it should only take an hour at the most.
Ok. Do you have anything on that list besides the Magmortar? Any PCNY's on that list or any I do not have yet? Thanks. I will need your FC so we can trade later.:)
I have 2 NZ Jirachi's. Do you want one of those and I have 2 Pokecenter Meoths and Octillery's as well. Both All 3 are Japanese. I think the NZ one is too but not sure.:)
Hey everyone if anyone has a good Tyranitar(not hacked) I 'd like one please. Also I'm not good in natures and stuff like that, so could you please make it have good stats and please have a good nature?
Yeah. Want to trade now? I will put in a request to get it cloned for you. FC please.:)
Oh ok. I need your FC so I can be ready to trade later. Thanks.:)
in my sig.

I have lots of items like Everstone and the choice items that could be helpful for you people! I also have every move weakening berry... Except for psychic.
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