BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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I am playing through Diamond and I need to evolve my Haunter, Kadabra, and Graveler. So... could someone please trade with me and then send 'em back?
PMJfan001 said:
in my sig.

I have lots of items like Everstone and the choice items that could be helpful for you people! I also have every move weakening berry... Except for psychic.

Ready to trade now. My FC is on my player thread and profile. Thanks.:)
I am Looking for: (ALL UT)

Jolly Jirachi
Timid Latias
Bold Celebi
Timid Heatran

The better the IVs, the better the trade.

I will be trading EVd pokemon to the people who can get me these.
PMJfan001 said:
I am Looking for: (ALL UT)

Jolly Jirachi
Timid Latias
Bold Celebi
Timid Heatran

The better the IVs, the better the trade.

I will be trading EVd pokemon to the people who can get me these.

I have a Jolly Jirachi and Timid Latis. If you want them then I have to get them cloned. Do you have any event Pokemon I do not have?:)
Any Shiny Pokemon that I do not have.:)
Anyone have a squirtle and/or bulbasaur they would like to trade for a charmander or legit shiny geodude? The bulbasaur and squirtle could be any lvl.
i have just bred some cyndaquils, one of it meets my demand inevery way. i have 3 spare cyndaquils with max sp atk ivs and 8-30 spd ivs. i am looking for other iv bred pokemon/ev'd pokemon. the pokemon you trade had better 100% legit (which means it cant be cloned >.>)
-Flygon- said:
I have just bred some cyndaquils, one of it meets my demand inevery way. I have 3 spare cyndaquils with max sp atk ivs and 8-30 spd ivs. I am looking for other iv bred pokemon/ev'd pokemon. the pokemon you trade had better 100% legit (which means it cant be cloned >.>)

I have a Gible with outrage with a 31 attack IV and a somewhat good other stat. ( not sure witch one sorry) The nauture is jolly
I will trade my Shiny Mesprit for that after I get it cloned if you want to do that.:)
^ If your talking to me Xxashxx, No thanks. You said it was a sassy nature right? Thanks anyways
jboy said:
I have a Gible with outrage with a 31 attack IV and a somewhat good other stat. ( not sure witch one sorry) The nauture is jolly
no thank you, i have a garchomp jolly max atk and spd, besides its uber so i cant use it to its fullest potiential stupid somgon
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