Does anyone have the Shokotan - Pikachu-colored Pichu? I have a few events and shinies for trade. Please let me know
If you would like to trade this is my list of Pokemon I have for trade, please let me know if you are interested!
Gamestop Deoxys - Timid - UT
Shiny Moltres (English name) - Adament - UT
Shiny Golem (Japanese name) - Sassy - UT (except for the fact it was evolved from Graveler due to trading)
Shiny Ryhorn (English name) - Relaxed - UT
Shiny Krabby (English name) - Naive - UT
Heatran (Japanese name) - Bold - UT
Zapados (Japanese name) - Sassy - UT
Shiny Tentacruel (English name) - Adament - UT
Shiny Gyrados (Japanese name) - Sassy - Ev trained in speed and attack and trained to level 100
Shiny Venomoth (Japanese name) - Bold - UT
Shiny Dugrtio (Japanese name) - Naive - UT
Shiny Polywrath (Japanese name) - Lax - Ev trained in HP and attack and trained to level 100
Negaiboshi Jirachi - Jolly - EVs unknown, level 100 (stats: HP: 341, ATK: 249, DEF: 233, SPATK: 219, SPDEF: 246, SPD: 227)
Ranger Manaphy Egg
Shiny Roselia (Japanese name) - Sassy/Hardy - both UT
Uxie (Japanese name) - Docile/Naughty - Docile is slightly touched, Naughty is UT
Mespirit (Japanese name) - Docile - slightly touched
Azelf (Japanese name) - Adament/Bold - UT