The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers) Discussion Thread

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Top 8, Worlds 2013
Advanced Member
~The Truth~

The Truth is a deck made up of Vileplume UD, Reuniclus BW, and various high HP attackers. The idea is that you can have a high HP Pokémon that cannot be knocked out attacking, and whenever the attacker is damaged, the damage can be moved off of the attacker to a benched Pokémon, meaning that Pokémon cannot be knocked out. Attackers have to have a high HP, meaning more than 130, not use too many energy, usually no more than three, and cannot be too hard to get out (Stage Twos are discouraged). Common Pokémon included are Kyurem, Donphan, Cobalion, and Terrakion. They all use decent amounts of energy, are not too hard to get out, and have high HP. As Next Destinies comes out however, The Truth will have to change. Attackers such as Kyurem are much worse because Mewtwo EX can easily knock them out. Mewtwo EX itself is a huge threat to the deck because it can knock out most of the Pokémon in one attack. To adapt to Mewtwo EX, the attackers in The Truth have to change. Kyurem can no longer as a main attacker because of Kyurems vulnerability to Mewtwo EX, Reshiram EX, and even Zekrom EX. Instead, the attackers will have to be able to withstand attacks from the EXs, meaning that EXs will have to be used in The Truth to stay competitive.

Possible candidates for The Truth have to pass the earlier requirements, and none really fit the bill. Groudon would be a good attacker in the Truth, knocking out all Pokémon in two attacks with a reasonable energy cost relative to its HP, but Groudon is not going to come out in Next Destinies. The next closest option would be Kyurem EX. Kyurem EX has a damage output similar to Groudon EXs, but takes an extra energy. Though an extra energy may seem like no big deal, it makes the Mewtwo EX matchup harder. Kyurem EX does have some nice features however, being able to hit Reshiram EX for weakness, though Groudon hitting Magnezone for weakness clearly would have been the better option.

Which EX for The Truth works the best?​
Shaymin EX
Shaymin EX is the first of the EX options for The Truth. The reasons are simple why Shaymin EX is too weak for The Truth. It has too low of HP and a bad weakness. The main point of having an EX in The Truth is to be able to last through higher amounts of damage. Shaymin EX has a nice attack, but its HP makes Shaymin EX not able to be used.

Reshiram EX
Reshiram EX has a more reasonable HP, but with recoil damage from Reshiram EX’s main attack, Reshiram EX will not last very long before a Zekrom EX, Mewtwo EX, or Reshiram EX can knock Reshiram out for two prizes, defeating the purpose of the deck.

Zekrom EX
Zekrom EX is unplayable in The Truth because it discards energy. The Truth already has no energy acceleration and a bit of an energy problem, which is why discarding energy means you’ll probably only be able to attack with Zekrom EX two or three times before you are totally out of energy.

Kyurem EX
Kyurem EX is reasonably good, with a few downfalls. A fully set up Kyurem EX can be knocked out in one shot by Cobalion which is bad because Cobalion is a prominent force in our meta. The high energy cost for attacks is the real downfall of Kyurem EX. It makes it rather easy to knock out Kyurem EX with Mewtwo EX or Cobalion. The attack is ok, but not being able to use it during the next turn isn’t great.

Mewtwo EX
Mewtwo EX is an amazing card, but not in this deck. Because of Mewtwo EX’s weakness to itself, opposing Mewtwo EXs can easily knock out your Mewtwo EX, with no form of energy acceleration to get out another. Mewtwo EX’s second attack forces the discarding of energy, which is also not good for The Truth. However, being able to knock out opposing tanking Mewtwos for just a Double Colorless Energy is amazing, making a single copy or even two copies a good play.

Similarly to the other EXs, Regigigas also has its downfalls, but is probably the best contender for the EX position in The Truth. It has a max damage output of 230 damage, when Regigigas has 170 damage on it, meaning it can easily take a final prize. Regigigas’ first attack is similar to Reshiram EX’s in the way that Regigigas takes recoil damage. However, both the damage output and the recoil damage amount are much lower. Regigigas can still take a 150 damage attack, but only does 80 damage. Slowly but surely is the way Regigigas must work. The weakness really hurts, allowing Terrakion and Donphan to knock it out. However, Regigigas should only be used in matchups where you must be able to do reasonably well against Mewtwo EX, and be able to survive through Reshiram and Zekrom EX. Double Colorless Energy makes it easier to set up Regigigas which is nice. DE edit: Now that Terrakion it seeing play, Regigas is not a great play. It uses a lot of energy but can easily be knocked out by a Terrakion.

Groudon EX was made for The Truth. It has a weakness that doesn't see much play, doesn't use that many energy, does a lot of damage, as great typing, and has a helpful resistence. This is the best bet for post-Raikou-EX The Truth.

Kyorge-EX &Tornadus-EX
Both of these cards are cursed with the weakness of Lighting. I would go more into why Kyorge wouldn't see play, but it having weakness to Lighting sums it up enough. Anything that is easily ko'd shouldn't get a spot in this deck.

Entei-EX seems like a worse version of Groudon-EX. Fighting type is better than Fire Type. The only way this could see play is if the deck focuses on Entei's second attack to accelerate energy, but that would mean limited attackers because they would need to utilize fire energy.

Raikou-EX is unplayable in The Truth because it discards energy. The Truth already has no energy acceleration and sometimes an energy problem, which is why discarding energy means you’ll probably only be able to attack with Raikou EX two or three times before you run out of energy.

Darkrai-EX is actually an amazing card in The Truth. When you attach a Prism or Rainbow Energy to a Pokémon, it counts as a Dark Energy, so you can have a Darkrai-EX sitting on the bench giving all of your attackers with a Prism or Rainbow attached free retreat.

Sample List​
~Trainer and Supporter lines vary based on playstyle~​

2 Vileplume
3 Oddish
3 Reuniclus
3 Duosion
4 Solosis
1 Kyurem
1 Groudon-EX
3 Terrakion
1 Darkrai-EX
2 Pichu
1 Cleffa
2 Mewtwo EX

26 Pokémon

4 Twins
4 Pokémon Collector
4 N
3 Pokémon Communication
3 Rare Candy
2 Sage’s Training or Cheren
1 Professor Oak’s New Theory
2 Tropical Beach

23 T/S/S

4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Prism Energy
3 Rainbow Energy

11 Energy

Reuniclus and Vileplume are what make the deck work. Reuniclus is there to move damage off of attackers so that the attackers cannot be knocked out. Vileplume is there so Pluspowers cannot be used to knock out the main attacker, but more importantly so Reuniclus is not knocked out. With Vileplume out, the opponent cannot use Pokémon Catcher to bring up Reuniclus, making Reuniclus much harder to knock out.

The reason for Cobalion is to be able to knock out Kyurem NV and sometimes Kyurem EX. Kyurem NV is more important to knock out however because putting 180 damage on the board means that your board will be wiped out after a few Glaciates. When Mewtwo EX starts loading up on energy, Cobalion may be able to knock out a previously damaged Mewtwo EX.

Kyurem can take advantage of its type to knock out Reshiram EXs with Outrage. Glaciate is sometimes useful, but more often than not Kyurem will only be able to use Glaciate once or twice. Kyurem’s high HP also makes it a good damage sponge.

My choice of consistency supporters is my personal pick. If you prefer Professor Juniper as a consistency supporter, go for it! I picked these because they consistently get needed cards.

More Options​
More Pichu


In conclusion, though weakened by the release of EXs, The Truth could still be a viable deck. It will most often come down to what a players meta is when deciding if The Truth is a good play. Pokémon choice is also very important in The Truth, and be sure to know the popular decks in your area when choosing attackers, not just the online metagame. With the right list, I could see The Truth doing very well in select areas.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

This article was a great read! 5 stars. I learned alot about The Truth I didn't really know.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Very educational, thank you. very useful for newer players like myself.

just one question: why do you use a single fighting energy over a 4th rainbow energy?
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

One basic energy can be nice to have. You can add it if you want.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

I actually only liked one Beach too, but when I put in the second it worked amazingly well.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Glaceon said:
I actually only liked one Beach too, but when I put in the second it worked amazingly well.

Really, I never seem to use it
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Your description/techs/list don't line up. You talk about needing Donphan but then you don't run it, and some of your possible techs are already in your list.

I wouldn't even say Cheren is an option vs Sages. Sages is almost as must-have as beach imo. I hate juniper in this deck. The discard is too steep and 95% of the time more costly than Sages. I don't see the point of the 1 fighting, either. It just doesn't make sense. Also, I suggest listing SEL as a possible tech. Most people discount it nowadays since the Tyram fad has faded, but it is still worth testing at least I think. Finally, I'm not sure how this deck runs without any sort of healing, but I think something is definitely needed in every Truth. You go down on prizes early and attack with EXs, making you incredibly vulnerable. With other EXs doing 100+ every turn you will eventually run out of space to put your damage and you will have to KO something, allowing for yet another prize. You will have around 800-900 hp on your side of the field to work with, which is quite a bit to work with, but it's only 6 turns of a Resh/Zek EX attacking, 3-6 of a Mewtwo attacking, plus whatever you had before you get fully set up to attack, not including decks with snipers, etc.

Good article, but no healing just seems to kill the deck in my eyes. With EXs you are only really gaining about ~100-150 more hp to work with depending on how many you have out.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

I run Cheren over Sage in mine, and I run 2 Juniper as well. I won a Regionals with it, so it's obviously not terrible. Lol.

I do like the idea of adding healing; I run 2 Seeker in mine and that seems to be just enough. It's only better healing with the EX cards. Blissey is pretty terrible though.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Celebi23 said:
I run Cheren over Sage in mine, and I run 2 Juniper as well. I won a Regionals with it, so it's obviously not terrible. Lol.

I do like the idea of adding healing; I run 2 Seeker in mine and that seems to be just enough. It's only better healing with the EX cards. Blissey is pretty terrible though.

How does Cheren/Juniper work in a deck so tight for space such as this?

And why is Blissey terrible? As long as you are preemptive about it you aren't going to be losing many energy, if any at all. And it has a respectable 130 hp letting it sponge a bit before you seeker it. Not that I could find the room for it and Seeker in TruthEX myself, but if I could I most certainly would.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

It's not that you lose energy. It's just that you don't need that much healing. Seeker has more uses and it offers enough healing without adding Blissey. I ran Blissey for Regionals and didn't use it once.

Cheren is just a less reckless Sage, and Juniper is good for that hand you usually end up right after setting up; there's nothing you want in it. It's also good for finding that last Rainbow you need late-game. It just replaces the other draw in the deck (Sage/Oak).
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Hmm, I'll have to try that, but normally I love having the extra 2 to choose from, even if I end up with 1 less because I don't ever need all five. Juniper though, that just doesn't sit right.

Also, you have 22 T/S's but you say you have 24.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Captain Oats said:
Hmm, I'll have to try that, but normally I love having the extra 2 to choose from, even if I end up with 1 less because I don't ever need all five. Juniper though, that just doesn't sit right.

Also, you have 22 T/S's but you say you have 24.

Sage's is just to risky in this deck which needs so many things to set up
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Okay, this is really bugging me. I don't have Tropical Beach nor the expenses to buy one but I think The Tuth and ChandyPlume are both fun and viable decks. What do I do. Just suck it up and be happy with my EelZone ( which I am :D ) and not play The Truth, or could I still build a good, consistent Truth deck. Please help.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Chandyplume basically needs Beach to work. Truth can function with a 2nd Cleffa over a Tropical Beach. It's not as good, but the deck can still work without Beach. You'll just have to accept the fact you're running a less than ideal list.
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Thanks very much for the advice Celebi23. There are quite a few Worlds competitors in my area, but sadly I can't trade for any beaches because they all play ChandyPlume, of course :,(
RE: The Truth (Reuniclus/Vileplume/Attackers)

Celebi23 said:
Chandyplume basically needs Beach to work. Truth can function with a 2nd Cleffa over a Tropical Beach. It's not as good, but the deck can still work without Beach. You'll just have to accept the fact you're running a less than ideal list.

I went 6-0 at a cities with a Truth deck that intentionally ran no Beach. I think that this deck can be just as good without Beach. Sure, beach helps, but it can be replaced with better cards IMO.
The attackers in this deck really depend on your meta. I personally do not like Kyurem-EX, but I guess you could.
I was thinking adaptability, using Kyurem when facing fighting types/six corners and Regigigas elsewhere.
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