The ugliest artwork of 2009!

ugh people have such narrow-minded view of art.

I happen to really like the majority of the cards posted here.

but to answer the topic, anything done by Sugimori. CONCEPT ART ON PHOTOSHOP BACKGROUND YEAHHHHHHH
piplup234 said:
Heres an image, not link:


That doesn't deserve to be called a card...
esperante said:
ugh people have such narrow-minded view of art.

I happen to really like the majority of the cards posted here.

but to answer the topic, anything done by Sugimori. CONCEPT ART ON PHOTOSHOP BACKGROUND YEAHHHHHHH

OMG!!! I'm SO happy that I'm not the only one who thinks that his art work (if you can even call it that) completely in every possible way SUCKS!

Like for concept art and all, it's great. But he did a lot of the cards in DP, and IMO that was one of the worst sets ever in terms of card art.
Ken Sugimori's stuff sucks so hard
OMG I hate all cards done by him
They're so... primitive
GOD! I got this new roserade, and it's holo... ken hasn't done a holo card in ages
i hate it now
and it's not half bad
Hey, I think his cards are ok, but artwork, they aren't. What about that thing called Spiritomb C? I thought it was a blob the first time I saw it.:p
The artist of Croagunk PA and Nincada SV is just a bad artist. Just look at what else they do that is crap.
Aw, I'm actually a fan of Tomokazu Komiya and kawayoo's styles. :(

Anyways, I feel each card's art does its job of diversifying the set's artwork as a whole, and each one is great in its own regard. Even the stock Sugimori images on photograph backgrounds are necessary, I think. Besides, he does have other cards that aren't like that. (Like Charon's Choice and Cyrus's Initiative.)

Well, if I had to pick one that I didn't like this year, it'd be either this Metagross, this Dialga, or this Arceus.
This. Card. Bothers. me.
Other than the ovular 'shadow' on the ground, it seems so detached from the background. It feels like a green-screened Disney show. So... Fake.
All Right. Lets get started.
Black hole mouth!
*cough* Ahem. Enough said.
Ug. This one ESPECIALLY. Its like-check out ma red nail I just got done! The nail is TOTALLY outta place, and the overall thing is just-ug-I HATE Arceus...

Lol anyways, thats just ma Arceus scans. Lol.
Soul Seeker said:
Lol, the Rumble Pikachu artwork is pretty kewl.
This one is one out of my head:

That artwork is not at all the ugliest, it's the funniest (other than Croagunk SV, dat guy's a gangsta pimp.)
some of the art shown here really hasn't been that bad...that Mewtwo is....please burn all copies...and if anybody thinks of reprinting that card, shoot them dead before that happens...IMO some of Komiya's stuff is ok, but there is some that I really wish he would have reconsidered
1. That Mewtwo was my favorite card as a kid.
2. Ken Sugimori is my ALL TIME favorite artist of EVERYTHING.
3. kawayoo is a genius.
4. Worst card artist: Kent Kanetsuna
Apart from the obvious clay/rough style ones.
All cards that consist of at least 50% of head/neck are terrible imo.
Just look at this one for example

It's like there's a freaking banana sticking out of your card.

*cough* Ahem. Enough said.
I think this Gastly is one of the better looking cards actually. The background is very chaotic, just like Gastly. I like it.
Gyarados G is awesome. What chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?

dmaster out.

Lol. That artwork is fantastic...

Anyways, I think the artist of this has some issues:

Ug...its just-disgusting...