Pokemon The Ugliest pokemon XD

@woody mew is ryt.don't you like even one of them?Giratina is cool in looks and strength ya know?my most fave in d/p series(only)
Feebas was made to look ugly because of the whole irony thing (as it evolves into the most "beautiful pokemon" milotic). It is kind of like the ugly duckling story. Though I personally, am not keen on milotic either.
I think the ugliest has to be the nosepass evo because it needs to trim it's nostril hair really badly.
I have a list of ugly pokemon

1. Ludicolo-Gosh, this thing looks like an hideous mexican doing a crazy dance like it is on crack.
2. Exploud- the first time I saw it I was like WTF is this?!?
3. Gloom- Come on admit that it is hideous.
4. Muk- Oh my god, it looks like it crawled up from the ocean to burn our eyes out
5. Magmar- come on it has a butt on it's head that's just sick.

end of list.
evey pokemon is beautiful yes!!!!except from jinx.jinx is ugliest. Purugly is ment to look ugly,but it is by far not ugliest!!
Our fourth place runner up for the ugliest pokemon is.....

probopass (nosepass evo)

so well done to you!

Tonight, our third place contender for teh ugliest pokemon is.....


Very nicely done!

And our second place, silver medal goes to...


How amazing, what an achievement for a new pokemon!

And yes, its the moment we've all been waiting for, the ugliest pokemon award 2007 goes to....


Congratulations! We hope you enjoyed the pokeoscars 2007, see you all next year!
cute-mew said:

Anyhow, the ugliest Pokémon... Rampardos is just plain ugly, ever seen that thing in the anime, you just want to, well, put a sack over his head...PurUGLY is PURe UGLY, but it can be decent somehow, I think, maybe, possibly?
Garchomp is ugly... no further comment

other then those, Jynx, magmar, weezing, snubbull line, Qwilfish, treecko line *excepts a huge amount of treecko-fans to put me on their blacklist now :p*, slakoth line and feebas are also rather ugly

But out of those:
still Jynx...

Cool looking pokemon to me are ugly to you.....strange.....
Exploud Ex said:
cute-mew said:

Anyhow, the ugliest Pokémon... Rampardos is just plain ugly, ever seen that thing in the anime, you just want to, well, put a sack over his head...PurUGLY is PURe UGLY, but it can be decent somehow, I think, maybe, possibly?
Garchomp is ugly... no further comment

other then those, Jynx, magmar, weezing, snubbull line, Qwilfish, treecko line *excepts a huge amount of treecko-fans to put me on their blacklist now :p*, slakoth line and feebas are also rather ugly

But out of those:
still Jynx...

Cool looking pokemon to me are ugly to you.....strange.....

For me Garchomp is cool.It's a Land-shark w/ dragon type and looks like metal-shark player if you know him:p.
Well...still spiritomb.Spiritomb pawns!!
Well, I'm surprised no one said Mr. Mime yet. Seriously, that thing is annoying and ugly!

Runner up is Smoochum.

Then Jynx.
Actually Purugly isn't THAT hideous but the one that really looks ugly is Spinda. Rampardos is pretty bad too.
Purugly just looks like a pig with features of a cat I mean seriously Mamoswine is uglier and is still cool (well maybe not uglier but still) Wailord is an ugly behemoth.