Pokemon The Ugliest pokemon XD

Bronzong is hideos. I like Spiritomb and Magmar. And a few others like Feebas that were claimed "ugly". I looove Muk. Rhyperior has to be the absolute most hideos. Second only for me is Probopass..
i think almost all of the D/P pokemon and some others, im not saying ugly, jst pretty weird especially: and because:
*Blaziken - he has human feet
*Rampardos - his face is weird
*Jynx - uuuugly
*Zapdos - it's pretty cool but it still has that annoying facial expression
*Entei - jst its face, everything else is cool
*Spiritomb - where's the face?!
*Giratina - it looks like a worm...ghost/dragon? ugly....yet somewhat cool?

some more are or weird ( and ugly ) but these are all i can remember:D
The Nosepass evolution. I'M NOT GONNA PLAY WITH THAT THING! I'll evolve Nosepass and release it! That thing scares me >.<
muk, spiritomb, jynx, mr.mime, gible, swampert, giradina are the ugliiiieeeeesssstt pokemon for me.:D
welkom pokemon trainers all over the world to the ugly awards 2007
- from the kanto region it's mankey :he's so bah i would like to punch him op his monkey ugly face
- from johto i think dunsparce:who want a ugly digging worm that can do almost nothing
- runner up hoenn easymake your choice gulpin
- sinnoh I was thinking of bronzong :who want's a mattelic gong as pokemon

but the ugliest off them al is

so thank's hoenn for giving us the most ugky pokemon that was it for this year next year better luck with pokemon ugly awards see ye next time on pokemon t.v. byebye
the shinx lord said:
ya and its not so goood but yeah ugly or beatifull its the strenght that counts

Correct, just like my mommy says, don't judge a book by it's cover. Some of the stupidest and ugliest Pokemon can be the strongest.
weezing 666 said:
I think the ugliest of them all is cascoon...it looks like some kind of a wierd egg.

yhay's suposed to be so wen it evolves it becomse beatieful not that dustox is so gorgeaus but yeah it's a sort of ironi like feebas and milotic
Um the ugliest pokemon i would have to say 4 me would be Tangelas Evo like WTF is with that stupid overgrown bush with arms hehe i cant think right now but yeah thats my choice!!!
^i dont think tangela's evo is ugly..maybe it is sucky..other ugly pokemon i think is machamp..i hate its 4 hands..