The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List - 20.7% match


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After reading that a whole mess of cards would be missing from Great Encounters, I wondered, what ones would be missing? Lots of the cards in Moon Hunting/Night Dashing are great. A couple, we have already (Weavile, Gardevoir/Honchkrow LV.X).

So, just for kicks, I compiled a possible list. I'm pretty confident of its accuracy. Card names in all caps are confirmed through the GE scans on the main page. Everything else is tentative.

1 Blaziken
3 Darkrai

5 Phione Pachirisu
8 Sceptile
9 Swampert

12 Articuno Altaria
13 Beedrill
14 Butterfree
15 Claydol

17 Exploud
18 Houndoom

19 Kingler Hypno
20 Lapras Kingler
21 Latias Lapras
22 Latios Latias
23 Mawile Latios
24 Milotic Mawile
25 Moltres Milotic
27 Primeape

28 Scizor Slowking
29 Skarmory Unown H
30 Slowking Wailord
31 Unown H Weezing
32 Unown P Wigglytuff
33 Wailord Arbok
34 Weezing Cacturne
35 Wigglytuff Combusken
36 Zapdos Delibird

37 Arbok Floatzel
38 Cacturne Gorebyss
39 Combusken Granbull
40 Fearow Grovyle
41 Granbull Hariyama
42 Grovyle Huntail
43 Hariyama Linoone
44 Hypno Loudred
45 Linoone Magcargo
46 Loudred Marshtomp
47 Marshtomp Metapod
48 Pelipper
50 Relicanth Purugly
51 Seviper Relicanth
52 Slowbro Seviper
53 Togetic Skarmory
54 Unown F Slowbro
55 Unown G Togetic
56 Unown L Unown F
57 Unown Q Unown G
58 Zangoose Wailmer

59 Baltoy Zangoose
60 Cacnea Baltoy
61 Caterpie Buizel
62 Chatot Cacnea
63 Delibird Caterpie
64 Drowzee Delibird
65 Ekans Drowzee
66 Feebas Ekans
67 Houndour Feebas
68 Igglybuff Glameow
69 Illumise Houndour
70 Jigglypuff Igglybuff
71 Kakuna Illumise
72 Kangaskhan Jigglypuff
73 Koffing Kakuna
74 Krabby Koffing
75 Lunatone Krabby
76 Luvdisc Lunatone
77 Makuhita Luvdisc
78 Mankey Makuhita
79 Metapod Mankey
80 Mudkip
81 Porygon
82 Scyther Slowpoke
83 Slowpoke Slugma
84 Snubbull
85 Solrock
86 Spearow Swablu
87 Tangela
88 Togepi
89 Torchic

90 Treecko
91 Volbeat Unown L
92 Wailmer Volbeat
93 Weedle
94 Whismur
95 Wingull
96 Zigzagoon

97 Amulet Coin
99 Leftovers
101 Premier Ball
102 Rare Candy
103 Cresselia LV.X
104 Darkrai LV.X
105 Dialga LV.X
106 Palkia LV.X

Cards that are missing aside the stuff we got in SW:

Eevee and all the Eeveelutions; All fossil Pokemon and associated Trainers; Swablu and Altaria; the 3 Special Energy; Dawn Stadium; Pachirisu; Slugma and Magcargo; Clamperl, Huntail, and Gorebyss

Why exclude these?

Glaceon and Leafeon are holo cards. Darkrai, Pachirisu, and Phione are all holo, and I believe they are #s 3, 4, and 5 respectively. There's no room for Glaceon and Leafeon. Since all the Eeveelutions are usually printed in the same set, I believe that all the Eeveelutions will be excluded from the set.

There is no room for Old Amber. All the fossil Pokemon will be excluded from this set.

Dawn Stadium's artwork features Glaceon and Leafeon, and with no Eeveelutions in the set, there's no sense in including it.

I had a hard time trying to figure out where to put Mewtwo. The Japanese scan looks holo. That means it'd have to come before Porygon-Z, and since this set is all about legendary Pokemon, the only card I could see removing is Pachirisu. Phione's not exactly legendary, but while Pachirisu already has a DP-on card, Phione does not. It's a toss-up. I decided on Mewtwo.

There just isn't room to include the new Special Energy (I forget their names).

Altaria and Claydol are both rare. Swablu and Baltoy are both common. They are interchangeable. I think we'll get one or the other. Removing Butterfree or Beedrill should mean that the other one will be removed as well, which means you have no cards left to fill that void. Fossil Pokemon aren't an option. No Eeveelutions come before Dialga alphabetically, so I'm confident that we'll see Altaria or Claydol - but not both.

Due to the popularity of Absol, though, I think we'll get Claydol.

Clamperl and friends and Slugma and Magcargo are gone because I randomly decided they should be the ones to go. Clamperl has two evolution lines, he takes up the most space, and Magcargo was just a random pick.

That should do it. Questions, comments? Post here. ;o

EDIT 1: Fixed the list with the confirmation of Cresselia LV.X in the set.

EDIT 2: Fixed the list with the confirmation of Porygon2 as #49, ARGH.

EDIT 3: Replaced Pachirisu with Mewtwo.

EDIT 4: Cleaned up some "common" errors.

EDIT 5: Changed some rarities, removed entry pack cards

EDIT 6: The final edit. Darkrai is confirmed as #4. Mewtwo was removed.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Cress Lv.X was confirmed for the set already. As the site stasted "4 Legendary Lv.X"
Kabutops is Holo, so it is not after Dialga, so it could still be in. But looks unlikely without Omastar.
Power Keepers excluded Aerodactyl, DP4 can also.

Just a couple of things I would like to point out
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

We will be getting 4 lv.X in the set look here.

EDIT : Ah, PPP beat me in posting, but what makes you think that Blaziken, Sceptile and Swampert will be in the set ?
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Possibly...because in DP1 we got the Sinnoh starters, in DP2 we got the Johto starters, and in DP3 we got the Kanto starters, so wouldn't only make sense to have the Hoenn Starters in DP4?

I think that list looks very accurate PMJ. It seems like a very possible set list. Although it'll probably have at least one difference, that list pretty much lists what we'll probably get, and you posted logical explantions for why we are not getting the cards you listed.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

B_M - They're in DP4; Blaziken is the only holo card that comes before Cresselia alphabetically; and removing them means there aren't enough commons or uncommons to fill the void.

Kabutops is unlikely because only three cards are between Cresselia and Porygon-Z.

Anyway, I saw that page confirming Cresselia LV.X after I had posted the first draft, so I've made the appropriate edits, removing Darkness and Metal Energy and replacing it with Rare Candy and Premier Ball.

Edit: The official page also confirms Leftovers and Amulet Coin are in the set, likely in the spots I mentioned.

Edit 2: There's also a Darkrai in DP3. I wonder which Darkrai we'll get in the set?
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

That's not possible. All theme deck cards come from the set (basic Energy excluded), and if you put two Darkrai in the same set, that means that only one out of Phione, Pachirisu, and Mewtwo could be included.

I find that highly unlikely.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Porygon 2 is #49, PMJ. You might want to edit. :O

dmaster out.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Neo Destinies "Light" Theme deck has 4 Marill from Genesis. It's possible, though that's when we still had WoTC
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Porygon2 is #49? Holy god. If that's true, then this entire list is extremely incorrect. Show me.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Take a look at one of the more recent posts in WPM's Tuesday Discuss! Thread. Sorry, too lazy for link.

dmaster out
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

@ PMJ: I think Darkrai(SD) should be the holo version whereas maybe you can put the MH/ND's Darkrai as the non-holo version OR you can just exclude it....
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Wow, you're right. That means 3 cards gotta go, and I'm pretty sure I got a fix for it. Please hold for edit.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Wow, you're right. That means 3 cards gotta go, and I'm pretty sure I got a fix for it. Please hold for edit.

Apart from that, I just realize about the Unown. I think there should 1 Unown as the rare only because in the 2 previous sets, MT & SW, only 1 Unown became a rare...
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

PPM - Was it like that in Shining Darkness? I'm going by rarities of MH/ND cards to compile this list, and in that set, both those Unown are rare.

The list has been updated again. I removed Huntail, Gorebyss, and Magcargo to make Porygon2 #49. In doing so, I added Raichu, Sudowoodo, and Toxicroak from the Entry Pack 08 DX. Clamperl and Slugma were replaced with Pikachu and Croagunk.

Stupid Porygon2 making me work harder >:[
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
PPM - Was it like that in Shining Darkness? I'm going by rarities of MH/ND cards to compile this list, and in that set, both those Unown are rare.

The list has been updated again. I removed Huntail, Gorebyss, and Magcargo to make Porygon2 #49. In doing so, I added Raichu, Sudowoodo, and Toxicroak from the Entry Pack 08 DX. Clamperl and Slugma were replaced with Pikachu and Croagunk.

Stupid Porygon2 making me work harder >:[

In SD, there is 1 Rare Unown only, which is Unown S who already came out in SW. In MH/ND, there are 2 Rare Unowns, namely Unown H & P. I don't think they will put 2 Rare Unown in 1 edition, so I assume 1 of those 2 Unown will appear in DP 5...
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Hey Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson.
I don't think the legendary birds will fit. Altaria should be in the set (its dragon, latias and latios are also in the set)
Also, I don't think there will be any entrypack08 cards in GE, they will most probably be in the next set (also a possible filler set, containing the eeveelutions, the birds, the excluded cards + entry pack08 cards - like a power keeper set)
Which means our dp6 will be their dp5.
So try taking the birds, and the entrypack cards, fit in altaria and others and yeah.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Looks like a solid list. Good job putting it together.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Linked on the front page? WPM, you're too kind ;o

Power Keepers had lots of reprints in it, not to mention it wasn't originally a Japanese set when released in America. All the fossil Pokemon are usually released in the same set; Fossil, Skyridge, EX Sandstorm, EX Legend Maker, and EX Holon Phantoms all contain Aerodactyl, Kabutops, and Omastar (EX Sandstorm has Kabutops as Pokemon-ex only, but that's just splitting hairs)

Neo Destiny has only Dark Omastar, and Legendary Collection has just Kabutops. LC was a reprint set, and I have no excuse for Neo Destiny not having Omastar's buddies. Point is, they have always been released together in recent memory. I see no need to not continue to do so, especially now that Mysterious Fossil is getting rotated.

As for getting rid of Moltres, that doesn't make sense since the focus of the set is legendary Pokemon. Altaria is merely a dragon. Claydol needs to be in the set to stop Absol's reign of terror.

And if you take out Moltres, there are no rares to fill the gap.

The problem is Porygon2. Him being #49 killed my list. There are no uncommons or commons to use that are in MH/ND aside from the ones I took out (Gorebyss, Huntail, Magcargo) to make Porygon2 jump from #52 to #49. I checked Shining Darkness, and the only cards we don't have in English yet are Darkrai, Darkrai LV.X, Dialga LV.X, and Palkia LV.X. The LV.X cards are already confirmed. Darkrai (DP3) is a holo rare. Cresselia Darkrai Darkrai Mewtwo Porygon-Z? Highly unlikely. It's not possible for one of the Darkrai to become merely a rare - there's no room.

So after looking at the cards in the entry pack and not being stupid and picking stuff that's obviously not in like Grotle and Turtwig, I chose Raichu, Toxicroak, and Sudowoodo.

Problem with that is, the cards I chose to fill the uncommon gaps were rares in the DP-on sets they were in before. And of course, there aren't a lot of cards to choose from. Other possibilities include Rotom (unlikely, it's already holo rare), Plusle (unlikely, it was in SW and there's no room for Minun and they have ALWAYS been released together), and Staravia.

Point is, they're still entry pack cards.

Here's something else. It's possible that there are going to be reprints too, since ones for Dialga and Palkia had to be made for this set.

I'll add Mewtwo to the list. He's legendary, and is more deserving than Pachirisu of a spot. Unless someone posts a really convincing reason to edit it, I'll just leave this list alone after this.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List Froslass? Tell me if I'm wrong, but they still haven't made a Froslass, which was especially wierd, 'since MystTreasures featured Snorunt/Glalie.