The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List - 20.7% match

RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Still no Froslass. Fret not, since Giratina, Regirock and friends, Mamoswine, and a few others still don't even have Japanese cards yet.

My guess is we'll see them when Shaymin is revealed, perhaps in the Japanese DP5.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Why would they put Relicanth in the set if they're aren't gonna be any fossils?
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

A lot of this just can't be. For one Relincanth will be with the FOSSIL POKEMON. Next, there will be a Darkrai Non Foil due to DP3 AND DP4s not being printed yet. You also somehow FORGOT Baltoy in your set list. I sure hope you're right about Pachirisu, Phione and Claydol, though.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Relicanth is present for a couple reasons. One, while he is an ancient Pokemon like the others, he doesn't evolve from a fossil and isn't usually in a set with them (EX Holon Phantoms was the only one). Two, he comes after Porygon2, and with Porygon2's confirmation at #49, there's no one to replace him with. I already had to steal Raichu and Toxicroak from the entry pack to make up for removing Huntail, Gorebyss, and Magcargo.

And I'm pretty sure I had Baltoy present in the first draft... I guess I overwrote him when entertaining an idea with Swablu and Altaria in it. I'll re-add him to the list.

Also, are there any cards in any Japanese DP-on set with non-holo rares becoming holo rares in English or vice versa? If so, I sure would like to see some scans of them.

Making Darkrai a non-holo rare means you have to get rid of Butterfree and Beedrill (they will definitely be printed together). That also means you have to get rid of their prevos, which are all common. You can only replace one of them (Swablu). What are you going to put in the three empty spots? Dawn Stadium can't happen and neither can Eevee. Special Energy come after Trainers, so the three Energy are out. Your only option is to steal something like Energy Search or Double Full Heal from - dun da da daaaaa! - entry pack.

Also, after taking a closer look after finding I didn't have Baltoy, I was also missing Wingull and Snubbull. That helps. Now the only cards that don't belong are Pikachu and Raichu.

I'll edit the list.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

The four legendaries pokemon lvl X are fixed in this colection
the other, may only appear in the next DP set
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Their locations in the set is not confirmed, although the spots I have on my list I feel is highly accurate.

And as I've explained in previous posts, the Eeveelutions will NOT be in this set.

There's just no way.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

I just don't see us getting an entry pack raichu. After doing abit of research, the only stage 1 Pokemon that come alphabetically in between Pory2 and Relicanth are: Primeape (already taken), Pupitar(no T-Tar so no), Quagsire (Unlikely, and would screw up commons), Raichu, Rapidash and Raticate (just got one in SW). We may very well get a NEW raichu as pikachu has the highest consistency, or perhaps a new rapidash. Ponyta would fit nicely in Pikachu's spot aswell.

And whatever happened to that Floatzel we were going to get in SW? Shouldn't he be in the set here?
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Floatzel? Where?

And where are you pulling these Pokeymens from? Rapidash, Quagsire, etc.

And if Pikachu gets removed, there's one spot open for Wooper.

If there were two commons unused in the set that didn't evolve, this wouldn't really be a problem.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Floatzel? Where?

Here: Scroll down on the images and you'll see a little Floatzel next to the SW Roserade.

And where are you pulling these Pokeymens from? Rapidash, Quagsire, etc.

Simply an Alphabetical list of Pokemon. Thoose were the stage 1's that could take the place of Raichu. Quagsire and raticate we just got in SW though, so i don't think it would be them.

And if Pikachu gets removed, there's one spot open for Wooper.

True, but again doubtful. Probably be Pikachu or Ponyta. They are interchangable just as Claydol and Altaria. And seeing as we may get the starter things here, i don't think they'd release it in little parts.

If there were two commons unused in the set that didn't evolve, this wouldn't really be a problem.

You mean taking out 2 from the current list(Raichu and...Claydol?), or adding in 2 (Floatzel and Rapidash?)
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

I see the Floatzel now. Floatzel comes before Porygon-Z, though, so you'd have to remove something else from the set to make room for him, no matter if he's rare or uncommon.

Raichu and Pikachu take up two spots. If there were two extra commons, you could simply move everybody up one set number (Relicanth to 50 and so on), take out Pikachu and Raichu, and put those extra commons as placeholders for Pikachu and Raichu's open spots.

But... there ain't none. ;/ Unless...

Buizel and Floatzel both end up as commons? lol unlikely

There's Swablu, Clamperl, and Slugma that I omitted from the list, excluding Eevee. I guess they could always put a couple of them in and just not include evolutions, although that would be pretty ridiculous.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

^ That would be someone stealing's PB's updates.

I'm pretty sure they stole PB's scans too, seeing how they are IDENTICAL and the logo happens to be covering where PB's logo is.

"Pokefan Mateo Johnson" LOL
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
^ That would be someone stealing's PB's updates.

I'm pretty sure they stole PB's scans too, seeing how they are IDENTICAL and the logo happens to be covering where PB's logo is.

"Pokefan Mateo Johnson" LOL

Well they don't update that often and it's still PMJ.:p
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List


I had nothing to do with that. Cool, I'm popular! :D

This is a shout out to the guy who runs, if you're going to steal my list at least get my name right ;/

Unless... maybe they have a Pokefan Mateo Johnson there!!1 :O zomg

I wonder why they have no scan of Porygon2. And what's a Porygon 2? I sure have no idea. :O
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Well I looked at the member list and the only PMJ there joined seven minutes ago.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

That's me.

(There is no Pokefan Mateo Johnson, I checked)
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

Lol, Pokefan Mateo Johnson. Whoever is the owner of Pokecorner sure knows how to steal stuff from Pokebeach.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

I happen to know who the owner is. He's been accused of this before but never responded.

PMJ, if you want, I can give you the e-mail of a guy who has direct connection to him.
RE: The Unofficial? Great Encounters Set List

I just sent them an e-mail.

This is what I said:
LV said:
If your going to "steal" scans plz give credit to the site that you got them from.
I'd like to know how & where you got your DP4 scans from?
If it's from Pokebeach, plz give credit @ all times & show the PB logo so people KNOW WHERE YOU GOT YOUR SCANS FROM!!!

I'm Light Venusaur from, so you may get back to me about it on there as I very rarely use e-mail these days.

Thanx once again,

P.S. If you don't belive me, go to PB's main site & have a look for yourself.