Zyflair said:
PokeKid Brandon said:
Dialga lv.x. Beacuse it is bad. <Is that a good enough reason?
Unfortunately, no. It at least does something.
vilebaseball said:
Base Set Porygon. It's nice in theory, but isn't worth the prize lost from 30 damage.
Hmm... you know many sets by the back of your hand and you think of this? It at least can stall in the first few turns (resistance).
Ampha-pwn77 said:
I would Have to say the Darkrai with Reach Over from GE gets my pick.. there are so many other pokemon that get you more than 1 Measly energy, and who needs 100 Damage against 1 Card out of the 150 or so that are being played right now? And 3 Energy for that kind of attack? BAD.
It's not the worst. Take Magikarp.
Drigo Toes said:
Magikarp Delta Species...
30 HP... 10 for 1 Metal Energy... when only there were special energys...
Celebi23 said:
Is this not obvious? Mysterious Fossil from Base Set. 10 HP, no attacks, the new ruling lets them take a prize upon KO, no Bodies or Powers, no Trainers on the 1st turn, playing it in the deck increases the chances of a T1 donk, no Resistance, so anything that can do 10 damage or put 1 damage counter on the defending Pokemon can OHKO it. And it can't retreat. No matter what you guys say, this is the worst Pokemon.
Foxtrot said:
Bad switch....
Longest text in history for an absolutely nothing effect. lol oh surge...how bad you truely are.
Correct. At least with the Magikarp everyone keeps bringing up evolution is a possibility. At least when playing in the modified format of the time, this card was never able to evolve, and never able to no damage. The first Porygon2 came with Neo Revelation (and it's pretty bad too). What's the point in stalling when a Jungle Kangaskhan or Base Chansey could have just as easily been used, and do a FAR better job at it. Bottom line, even energy search allows you to pick out the one energy you need. They serve a purpose. Porygon never got the player anywhere closer to a win. Every other card mentioned so far is a mode or a stepping stone to a win or at the very least, can do more than 0 damage.
Oh, and Celebi: The Mysterious Fossil is actually from the Fossil Set. Like Clefairy Doll (from the Base Set), when these cards were played, they did not count for a prize when KO'ed. The Aerodactyl it levels up to has quite the unique and annoying ability, and if I'm not mistaken, the new ruling only counts it as a basic Pokemon when put into play, meaning it wouldn't be your only choice on turn one.
And Foxtrot: I really hope you were kidding (particularly on the first one), because you couldn't be more wrong.