the worst moment of your life

To tell you the truth, my life's been really kind to me so far, and reading these makes me sad. I don't really have a worse moment of my life, maybe the time I got hit in the head with a hockey stick and had to get staples right on my head.
hipoke said:
To tell you the truth, my life's been really kind to me so far, and reading these makes me sad. I don't really have a worse moment of my life, maybe the time I got hit in the head with a hockey stick and had to get staples right on my head.

I hate staples. I got them in my ear when I got stitches. I completely agree with you though.
Oh, here's one I CAN share:

So I had to get this shot, I think for TB or something because I had a friend who might have had inactive TB. Basically, in order to stop the virus before it started, I needed a shot. Knowing that I could usually take pain well, I went into the doctor's office and braced myself. The doctor saw me holding on tight so I could ease the pain, so she stopped right before she injected me and said "Hey, you don't have to be afraid. Look, all you're going to see is a little bubble. Watch!" Curious as to how and what this "bubble" was, I wanted to watch. So I saw the needle come to my skin, and was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. Part of my skin inflated like a little cloudy "bubble." I'd expect this sort of image from a animated movie. If it was a picture of someone else's skin, I'd think it was kind gross, but it was my own skin, inflating before my very eyes. I completely started to freak out. They got the needle injected in my safely, thank god. But to embarrass me even more, the doctor forced me to give her a hug, while she was BEWILDERED at how I could be afraid, laughing, and kind of mocking my fear. I probably cried for about an hour. Believe it or not, it was very traumatic for me, but I'd rather take 10 of these than have to deal with my worst moment of my life (That I cannot share).

Moral of the story: Don't look at a shot being injected in your own skin.
FlamingDriscoll09 said:
The worst day of my life was when my father died. To make it worse, I was right there talking to him when he suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest. It was pretty freaky, especially considering that I was only Seven at the time.
This easily takes the cake for worst one in the thread. This exact thing just happened to my doctor and he has a couple of young kids. That must be so horrible for them... To make it worse, he had just run a half-marathon a few days before it happened and was in great health. Sorry :/

Well any moment in my life pales in comparison to this, so I won't even post one.