Today is a long day of boss battles. Thus, 5:30 AM is my start time, an extra hour to be sure I can get them all in. We start by waging war to the north of One Island, where a fiery bird is threatening to re-awaken the local volcano, Mount Ember. The bird has several minions awaiting my arrival, some trainers, but most wild pokemon. Drohn was also in the entrance, and he was nice enough to offer to teach one of my pokemon Explosion, but somehow I didn’t think that was a good idea on top of a volcano about to go off. I sent Ratticate off ahead to scout the area.
*Teapot has joined #MtEmber
<@Teapot> OK Rocket. Here’s the plan
<@Teapot> get up on that tall ledge and play lookout
<@Teapot> if you see anything threatening
<@Teapot> make bird noises so that I know they’re coming
<Rocket> awwwww. Lookout duty sucks
<Rocket> I wanna KILL STUFF
<@Teapot> You’ll be fine
*Rocket goes
<Athena> STOP! I’m sorry, but I cannot allow you to pass
<@Teapot> not even a former super mod?
<@Teapot> doesn’t that get me a free pass or something?
*Athena sent out Bellsprout!
<@Teapot> atleastItried.jpg
*Teapot mashes “Fly” and wins the match
*Athena blows the horn of Gondor
<@Teapot> wtf is that Boromir’s horn
<Athena> yes
<Athena> soon you will be surrounded
<@Teapot> how exactly does that wo-
<@Teapot> you know what, I don’t want to know.
I quickly skedaddled my way out of Athena’s line of sight, and took on some more minions. Fire-types and Rock-types plagued the mountain. Pinky, my faithful Seaking, ate them all for breakfast. I eventually made my way up the mountain and into a nearby cave. When I came out on the other side, it was hot as balls, and boulders were strewn everywhere to prevent me from reaching the fiend. I’m thinking about how to get through them when suddenly:
<Rocket> KACAW
<Rocket> KACAW
I look up and see Rocket flying down the ledge with legions of fire pokemon behind him. Ratticate’s strength allows me to roll away the boulders, and in a chase that somewhat resembles the Beryllium Sphere Scene from Galaxy Quest, we eventually make our way to the peak of the mountain, where we are awaited.
<Moltres> so, you’ve made it to me
<@Teapot> Yeah, no offense, but your minions of Ponyta and Geodude aren’t exactly that great
<Moltres> Obsolete. When this volcano explodes, you will burn
<Moltres> My minions stopping you was irrelevant
<Moltres> I just needed them to stall for time.
<Moltres> Now watch, as the GLORY OF MOUNT EMB-
*Pinky used Surf! Moltres Fainted!
<@Teapot> Rip
*Teapot has left #MtEmber
*Teapot has joined #OneIsland
<!WPM> Welcome back!
<!WPM> I got the Chat Room up and running perfectly
<@Teapot> no thanks to peer, I assume?
<@Teapot> touchy touchy
<@Teapot> Anyways, we should probably dip
<@Teapot> something about legendary birds wanting to take over kanto
<!WPM> seems legit
<!WPM> catch you later peer
<peer> see you WPM! Thanks for stopping by
<@Teapot> try not to break anything while we’re gone
*Teapot and WPM have left #OneIsland
I headed to the Power Plant next, because I figured Zapdos could wreak some major havoc if the power plant got too far out of control. Power across the nation could go down, electricity hurts, etc. Also I just really hate the Seafoam Islands, so I was just delaying them for as long as possible.
*Teapot has joined #PowerPlant
<Athena> STOP! You shall go no further.
<@Teapot> …you were just at Mt. Ember.
<Athena> yes.
<@Teapot> and now you’re here.
<Athena> as are you.
<@Teapot> …did you teleport or what?
*Athena sent out Rhyhorn!
*Teapot sent out Killer Bee (Beedrill)!
I dismantled Athena’s team once more, and then run around the power plant catching one of everything for my pokedex and picking up all of the items, including TM17 Protect and TM25 Thunder. Beedrill and Ratticate do well here because of their Fighting-type and Ground-type attacks. Unfortunately, I was unable to catch an Electrode because upon the encounter, it broke out of 8 Ultra Balls in a row, KO’d my Ratticate, and then proceeded to Selfdestruct when I sent out Parasect to Spore. No matter, I made it to the end in one piece, and found the beast awaiting me.
<Zapdos> I see my minions have done some good damage to your team
<@Teapot> Electrode are stupid af
<Zapdos> Now I will slaughter the remaining alive pokemon on your team
<Zapdos> With all of the power in this Power Plant in my control
<Zapdos> The people of Kanto will be at my mercy
<@Teapot> yeah ok
*Teapot sent out Hungrybox!
*Zapdos used Drill Peck!
*Hungrybox used Body Slam!
…yeah I’m not gonna give a full log. Tl;dr: Zapdos and Wigglytuff exchanged Drill Peck and Body Slam, but Wigglytuff came out on top due to the Paralysis it got. Also Wigglytuff is pushing 200 HP and it’s not even Lv. 50 yet, so it is fat. Next we waged war on the Seafoam islands to the south of Fuschia City. My Parasect easily thrashes the trainers on the way down because they all use Water-type pokemon. Soon enough, I’m approaching the entrance.
*Teapot has joined #SeafoamIslands
<Athena> Stop! I cannot allow you t-
<@Teapot> Yeah yeah, I can’t pass, etc.
*Teapot sent out Hungrybox (Wigglytuff)!
*Athena sent out Goldeen!
<@Teapot> lel
Hungrybox uses Shock Wave a couple of times and dismantles Athena’s team for the 3rd time in a row. You’d think such legendary beasts as the birds would give their guardians better teams to work with. And afterwards, into the cave I went. Typical, looting all of the items and catching anything I don’t have already.
<Rocket> Jesus Christ it’s colder than Wisconsin in this cave
<@Teapot> wuss
<Rocket> My fur’s not very thick, what do you want from me?
<@Teapot> I don’t have fur at all.
<Rocket> True, but- OW WTF
<Zubat> lelelelel
<@Teapot> sure, use str-
<@Teapot> wait, I haven’t caught a Zubat yet. Wtf.
<@Teapot> Ok use Super Fang.
<@Teapot> tough love
*Teapot chucks a PokeBall. Zubat was caught!
<Rocket> I want to kill the next bat I s- JESUS GET OFF OF ME OW OW OW
<Golbat> lelelelelel
*Teapot chucks another PokeBall
I nicknamed the Zubat Crumpets, after the one used in DNA’s Dolo run-through of Pokemon Pearl. The Golbat I nicknamed Y-wing. (Crobat is X-wing. Solid nicknames IMO.) Ratticate killed the rest of the Zubats it faced. Measly EXP Points but they give Speed EVs, so I wasn’t concerned. I loot the cave (A Revive, an Ice Heal, and an Ultra Ball are my spoils.) Soon enough, I’m facing the big boss himself.
<Articuno> Welcome to my lair
<@Teapot> oh ty. Very courteous.
<Articuno> Least I can do since I’m about to destroy you.
<@Teapot> So I’m just wondering, what exactly is your plan?
<Articuno> Freeze the world. Cause massive blizzards and another ice age. Etc.
<Articuno> Typical Ice-type villain things
<@Teapot> uh-huh. And why did you choose this for your location?
<Articuno> Because it’s the coldest place in Kanto!
<@Teapot> …well yeah. But I mean like
<@Teapot> Moltres was on a volcano. It could have exploded.
<@Teapot> Zapdos was in a Power Plant, where it could shut down + control power
<@Teapot> What exactly happens here…?
<@Teapot> …ok that’s all, you can continue with destroying me now
*Teapot sent out Rocket!
Tl;dr: Rocket uses Super Fang, and then Strength twice for the KO. Articuno just uses Mist and Mind Reader, which are the two worst possible moves that could have been picked. Then, I have Rocket use Dig to get us back to the surface. With all the bosses defeated, there’s just one place left to go. 3 boss battles can only be topped by a fourth.
*Ch’ding used Fly!
*Teapot has joined #ViridianCity
<~ShiningRaikou> Well look at that Teapot, you’ve finally made it
<~ShiningRaikou> The last challenge
<~ShiningRaikou> before the last challenge
<~ShiningRaikou> before the Pokemon League
<~ShiningRaikou> before the post-game.
<@Teapot> Can’t say it any better than that
<@Teapot> Can you heal my pokemon before I go for the challenge?
<~ShiningRaikou> Yep, no problem!
<@Teapot> It’s great to finally be here
<~ShiningRaikou> Drohn, WPM and I are all rooting for you. Good luck, Teapot!
<@Teapot> thanks, man!
*Teapot has joined #Gym
<@Teapot> Sup, Spoon?
<@Teapot> …oh. The warp panels are back.
<@HeavenlySpoon> Yes, they are.
<@HeavenlySpoon> Anyways, the leader here likes Ground-type pokemon.
<@HeavenlySpoon> Water-types and Grass-types will be best.
<@Teapot> OK Cool.
<@HeavenlySpoon> Some Poison-types and Fighting-types are disbursed among the Gym Trainers
<@HeavenlySpoon> Mew can be used for them
<@Teapot> haha, of course it can
<@HeavenlySpoon> I’m rooting for you, man! Good luck!
<@Teapot> Thanks
<DarkVoid> Allow me to be the first to welcome you, to Viridian City’s Gym!
<Blah237> and I can be the second
<Lugia123> and me the third
<@Teapot> …oh. That’s who the leader is.
Team Rocket’s 3 favorite Grunts are of course awaiting my arrival at Viridian City Gym, awaiting my challenge. Unfortunately, the three of them have actually decent teams this time, and they all put in some solid damage against my team. Blah’s team of Arbok and Tauros puts up a very good fight. The double Intimidate neutered Farfetch’d’s (lol, the double apostraphe) Swords Dance, and they probably would have won if not for the raised Crit ratio (thanks, Stick.)Dark Void carried 5 pokemon – unusually high for a lowly Gym Trainer. And he carried a Super Potion. Even scarier, though, 3 of his 5 were fully evolved – including a Nidoking. He managed to KO Parasect and put a ton of damage with Double Kick + Poison Point (lol no Sheer Force) onto Wigglytuff. Lugia123 put up the most intense fight, however. He too, used 5 total pokemon, the first of which, Marowak, managed to take out my Ratticate, and the last of which, Nidoqueen, put a lot of damage onto my Seaking via paralysis from Body Slam.
Of course, I have a million Hyper Potions, Full Heals, and Revives, so none of the damage these guys do ends up mattering. I just thought it was worth mentioning that they put up a noble fight (for once.) I came to the final room, and who do I find? Yep, that’s correct! Surrounded by no less than 17 scantily-clad women is PokeBeach’s scummiest, Juliacoolo.
<!Juliacoolo> Fwahaha, you have made it to me at last.
<@Teapot> indeed
<@Teapot> when did you get the !
<!Juliacoolo> I’ve always had it, but I prefer not to use it if I don’t have to
<!Juliacoolo> In this case, I needed it to re-open #Gym
<@Tepaot> Ah
<!Juliacoolo> Anyways, I’m not holding back
<!Juliacoolo> Once more you shall face the world’s greatest trainer
<!Juliacoolo> and feel a world of pain!
<@IceEspeon> Yes we are, and how about that plot twist, folks?
<@IceEspeon> Giovanni being the last Gym Leader? Who would have seen that coming?
<Spammy> No kidding folks. Anyways, twitch, welcome to the 8th and final-level Gym match
<Spammy> On the one side, we have the well-known Teapot
<Spammy> Using his team of lower-tiered pokemon
<Rocket> *censored* YOU COMMENTATOR
<Spammy> Teapot has several accomplishments in his past
<Spammy> He’s made the top 16 of Pokebeach’s Master Cup 2 years in a row
<Spammy> Made the top 16 of Smogon’s RU Open
<Spammy> and had a near-undefeated season in the Underused Premier League
<Spammy> but he’s still looking for that one big win
<@IceEspeon> On the other side, we have perhaps Pokebeach’s most underrated battler, Juliacoolo
<@IceEspeon> He’s known for using some very gimmicky teams, such as Final Gambit and Rain Dance
<@IceEspeon> But let’s not forget he made the Semi-finals of PokeBeach’s Official Tournament #4
<@IceEspeon> and the FINALS of the PBOT #3, losing only to the mighty gamercal
<@IceEspeon> Needless to say, we will see a great battle from these two trainers
<Spammy> They’ve jumped right into the action, Juliacoolo leading with Rhyhorn
<Spammy> Teapot has opted for Farfetch’d. Not a great matchup for him.
<@IceEspeon> Will we see a- oh, yup. Teapot goes straight out to Hungrybox, his Wigglytuff.
*Rhyhorn used Take Down! Hungrybox lost 25% health
<@Teapot> those defense EVs are really starting to pay off, it looks like
<!Juliacoolo> Yeah, no kidding. I remember when this was still a Jigglypuff
*Hungrybox used Water Pulse! Rhyhorn fainted!
<@Teapot> Excellent work!
*Juliacoolo sent out Nidoqueen!
<@Teapot> oh. Well then
<Spammy> First blood to Teapot, it looks like
<Spammy> However, that Nidoqueen could be problematic
<@IceEspeon> For those of you who don’t know, Nidoqueen is slightly more bulky than the King is
<@IceEspeon> it doesn’t hit quite as hard, but it has a very diverse movepool to get the advantage
*Hungrybox used Body Slam! Nidoqueen lost 40% Health!
*Nidoqueen’s Poison Point poisoned Hungrybox!
<Spammy> oof, that’s not a great position for Wigglytuff to be in
*Nidoqueen used Earthquake! Hungrybox lost 60% Health! Hungrybox is hurt by poison!
<@IceEspeon> If Teapot doesn’t do something, his Wigglytuff is going to go down
<@IceEspeon> That would be a massive blow to Teapot’s team
<@Teapot> Hungrybox, do the best you can. We’ve got this
*Hungrybox used Body Slam! Nidoqueen lost 45% Health!
<@Teapot> bs, no paralysis
*Nidoqueen used Earthquake! Wigglytuff fainted!
<@Juliacoolo> Nice job, Nidoqueen. That was one of the biggest threats to our team
*Teapot sent out Noble Duck (Farfetch’d)!
<@IceEspeon> Wigglytuff is down, and that’s good news for Juliacoolo
<@IceEspeon> But he still has to get by the Seaking, which will be a challenge
<Spammy> huehuehue
*Juliacoolo used Hyper Potion on Nidoqueen!
*Noble Duck used Swords Dance!
<@IceEspeon> oh-oh. That doesn’t bode well for you, Spammy
<@IceEspeon> looks like #ItemMeta isn’t working out in your favor this time
*Noble Duck used Swords Dance!
<Spammy> The greed is real
*Nidoqueen used Body Slam! Noble Duck lost 25% health! Farfetch’d became Paralyzed!
<Spammy> 25%??? THAT’S IT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
*Nidoqueen used Body Slam! Noble Duck lost 25% health!
*Farfetch’d used Swords Dance! Farfetch’d’s stats are maxed out!
<!Juliacoolo> hmmm this might be bad
*Teapot used a Full Heal!
*Nidoqueen used Body Slam! Farfetch’d lost 25% health and was paralyzed!
<@Teapot> bs
<!Juliacoolo> kek
*Teapot used a Hyper Potion!
<@Teapot> #ItemMeta. Etc.
*Nidoqueen used Body Slam!
*Teapot used a Full Heal!
*Nidoqueen used Body Slam!
<!Juliacoolo> uh-oh
<NobleDuck> rip in piece
*Noble Duck used Secret Power! Nidoqueen lost 100% Health! Nidoqueen fainted!
<@IceEspeon> Is this it? Is Spammy going to need a tutu next stream?
*Juliacoolo sent out Rhyhorn!
<Spammy> oh thank god
<@IceEspeon> looks like we’re gonna need a crit for that to happen
<@Teapot> Please crit pleae crit please crit
*Noble Duck used Secret Power! Rhyhorn lost 75% health!
<Spammy> thank go-
*Rhyhorn became Paralyzed!
*Rhyhorn was fully Paralyzed!
<Spammy> SONOFA
<@Teapot> YES!
<!Juliacoolo> crap crap crap crap crap crap crap
<!Juliacoolo> I’m about to lose to a Farfetch’d
*Noble Duck used Secret Power! Rhyhorn fainted!
<@IceEspeon> And down goes another one of Juliacoolo’s Pokemon
<@IceEspeon> and this one was his last resistance to Farfetch’d!
<Spammy> fml
<Spammy> Why didn’t they just keep it a Rhydon like in the original games?
<@IceEspeon> Tbh I don’t know. It’s not like Rhydon is that difficult to beat
<Spammy> please do something JC. Please. Please.
*Juliacoolo sent out Dugtrio!
<!Juliacoolo> OK, Dugtrio. I know you’re 7 levels lower, but you’re base 120
<!Juliacoolo> Please outspeed and KO.
<!Juliacoolo> Please.
*Dugtrio used Slash! Farfetch’d lost 25% health!
<!Juliacoolo> well shit.
*Noble Duck used Secret Power! Dugtrio lost 100% health! Dugtrio fainted!
<@Teapot> COULD IT BE?
*Juliacolo sent out Nidoking!
*Noble Duck used Secret Power! Nidoking lost 100% health! Nidoking fainted!
<!Juliacoolo> Damn. Well, GG Teapot
<@Teapot> GG man
<@IceEspeon> There you have it stream! Farfetch’d at +6 closes the deal
<@IceEspeon> and it didn’t even need any crits to get there!
<@IceEspeon> Teapot claims his 8th gym badge, and now has access to the Pokemon League
<@IceEspeon> We will definitely be livestreaming at the Pokemon League, so catch you then!
<@IceEspeon> Until that time, this is Ice Espeon
<Spammy> …and…Spammy…signing…off…I can’t believe that just happened
<!Juliacoolo> That was truly an intense fight, Teapot. Thanks for the match
<@Teapot> You too
*Juliacoolo gives the Earthbadge to Teapot!
<!Juliacoolo> You’ve earned that. Speaking of which, you’ve earned these too.
*Juliacoolo sets mode +a on Teapot
<&Teapot> nice!
<!Juliacoolo> The Earthbadge and sops make all Pokemon of any level obey without question
<!Juliacoolo> It is evidence of your mastery as a Pokemon Trainer.
<!Juliacoolo> Also, take this TM. Consider it a gift for the Pokemon League Challenge.
*Juliacoolo gives TM26 Earthquake to Teapot!
<!Juliacoolo> If you go to the west of here, you will find the guards to Victory Road
<!Juliacoolo> They will allow you to pass with all of your badges.
<!Juliacoolo> North of there will be Victory Road, and through that, the Indolo Plateau
<&Teapot> The Indigo Plateau?
<!Juliacoolo> No, the Indolo Plateau. In-Dolo. As in #Dolo
<&Teapot> …yaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
<!Juliacoolo> There, you will find all the toughest trainers of the Kanto region.
<!Juliacoolo> And now, we must part ways
<!Juliacoolo> Good luck on your quest, Teapot! I believe in you, and so does everybody else!
<&Teapot> Thanks man, farewell!
8th Gym Badge in hand, I immediately save the game. It’s been a wild ride with my team up to this point, but we made it. Despite 2 Gym Leaders handing us the L, my team persevered and has earned the right to challenge the Pokemon League at the Indolo Plateau. Tomorrow, my team will have a fresh start, and we will head straight for Victory Road. Until next time, see you PokeBeach!