the wrong answer game!

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SAWFOOL!!!!!!! Bunnies eat carrots, aye, carrots get owned.

Why did I say a random word?
Crocodile Munches! MMMM.....TAsty!

If someone cut my head off and i went to jail....Who would bail me out?
Its Chickens not donkeys you schmup!

If the chicken finally bailed me out and he was the one who chopped my head off what would i tell him?
No, you have to tell him something with your toes cuz the hand warmer is not working duh!

If i told him that i hate him and he brought me a Crocodile Snack what would i say?
because the crocodile came and stole my snack.

If the crocodile ate my snack and my arm what would i do to his paw?
the closest point to antarctica

If me, the crocodile, and the chicken went to explore antarctica would we die of thirst?
Me, the crocodile, and the Chicken decided to cancel our trip thats why!

If we all went to hawaii and there were cannibals would the crocodile eat the cannibals?
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