the wrong answer game!

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If me, the crocodile, and the chicken ate chicken and the chicken didnt know duh!

What would happen if the Crocodile became hungry and ate my hand that was eaten already?
Because Regirock pantsed you and Regice has a death wish against you :D

Did Regice come in my dreams to grind me like beef?
Because my new friend the elephant doesnt hurt me!

How come the Crocodile came back and ate my friend elephant?
Because my 2 other pets went on there honey moon so i got a new pet turtle!!!

If me and the Turtle went to a swimming pool and it was thursday would he pick a blue towel?
Pokemon! Pokemon!
It's all about the challenges
It's a brand newgame in a brand new world
New Rivals as you fight for survival
Nothing can stop you Diamond and Pearl
It's all about the battle you got to play smart
You got to move faster
You got a new wind
Is a chance to begin again
If you want to be a master!!!
Pokemon! Pokemon!
It's time for adventure Diamond and Pearl
We can change the world!

Why did I just post the entire English Diamond and Pearl Theme Song?
Because Pachirisu uses Thunder on a Pikachu, everytime one is hatched from an egg.

Where did Muk come from?
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